Chapter Six

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Just like ordinary workdays, the office began to vacate as soon as the clock ticks at five. The monthly sales monitoring and evaluation meeting was done yesterday so everyone was relaxed and doesn't have to be pressured by a lot of paperwork and deadlines.

"Aw Gulf, you aren't home yet?" Gulf raised a glance at the lady who was preparing to leave and smiled.

"Hmm, I'll finish this one in no time." He replied and went back on the screen. The lady bid goodbye before leaving the room.

Gulf spent twenty minutes working on his paper before going home. He took a cab rather than calling his boyfriend to pick him up. The young man peeped at his wristwatch and asked the driver to drop him at the grocery store instead. Anyhow, he still has enough time to prepare for dinner.

Upon reaching home, he went to shower and changed clothes before working in the kitchen.

A few moments later and he's done cooking and set the table. Everything's all set but Mew hasn't gone home yet. While waiting for his lover to come home, Gulf decided to watch some TV shows to suppress his boredom.


On the contrary, the meeting between Mew and Mr. Chiu has just ended. Fortunately, the meeting went well, but the businessman's final decision hasn't been given yet since they still have to meet his conditions.

"Kindly inform the design department to meet me at the meeting room."

"Copy, sir."

Mew then proceeded toward the meeting room and waited for his colleagues to arrive. Not too long and everybody arrived one by one. The meeting commenced as soon as the design staff and other required personnel settled around the table. 

"I just had a meeting with ZNS' Mr. Chiu earlier, and said that he would only accept our business proposal if we are going to give him a unique design for his upcoming project here in the city..." 

Mew gave a quick overview of the agenda including a short background of the client's plans. Then, he let Ritz take over and explain the other important details for planning the design's layout.

The meeting lasted for almost an hour, and Mew returned to his office with his mind occupied. While the other employees had already gone home, the young man remained in his office researching some sample layout ideas on the internet and their previous designs as well. He was too focused on work that he forgot to notice the time.

"Oh, you're still here?" Mew turned to face his friend who stood beside him.

"Hmm, I'm trying to search for some layouts for the proposal." Ritz's hand landed on his shoulder.

" Aw na, I know you're stressing so much about it. Well, everybody does. But can't you just think about it tomorrow and rest for tonight? You've done well talking to Mr. Chiu earlier." 

"You know I can't let this opportunity slide off my fingers."

"I know it, and I also know that you can't think of an idea if you're overworking yourself.  Are you going to spend the night here?" Mew paused and gazed at his friend, surprised.

"What time is it?" He suddenly asked. Ritz raised his wrist to glance at his watch.

"It's already quarter to nine."

"Gulf." Mew uttered and immediately stood up, snatched his phone from the table, and rushed out of his office without a word, leaving Ritz baffled in the office.

"Did he just leave?"

Mew drove the car out of the parking space in a hurry. How could he forget to check the time? Gulf might be waiting for him. Good thing the highway wasn't that busy, so he reached home in 10 minutes.

After setting the car at the parking space, Mew hurriedly entered the building and walked straight to their condo unit. He let himself calm first before pressing his key card on the small monitor above the knob.

The moment he entered, the lights are open, and the faint aroma of somewhat like chicken curry reached into his nostrils. He then heard voices talking as he resumed inside. Gulf must be watching TV shows, so he planned on silently moving behind the younger one to kiss him.

But as he strolled toward the living area, the surprised one is him. Just the sight of Gulf still wearing an apron while sleeping on the sofa made his heart drop. His gaze turned to the dining area and saw the table. Looks like he fell asleep while waiting for him to come home so they could have dinner together.

The young man put his things and coat reached for the remote and turned off the TV before crouching to see Gulf's face at eye level. 

"I'm sorry, I came home late na". Stroking his fingers onto the younger one's hair, he whispered. He then carefully leaned forward so his lips could touch Gulf's forehead.

"Hmm, P'Mew, you're home?" Mew raised the corners of his lips and brought his hand to caress the other one's cheek.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

"It's okay..."

Gulf replied with a smile, but Mew could notice the exhaustion in his eyes. Gulf raised his hand to hold Mew's hand on his cheek.

"I was just watching the show. I haven't noticed I suddenly fell asleep."

Mew sat beside him when Gulf rose and sat on the sofa.

"Oh, I forgot, have you eaten dinner already?" He asked after noticing the apron he was wearing.

"Not yet."

"Then, you'd better wash up and change while I heat the food on the table. I bet they've gotten cold already." Gulf kissed him before stepping towards the counter to heat the food on the table. Mew watched him for a couple of seconds before he snatched the towel and entered the bathroom.

Mew didn't stay long in the shower. And just when he left the bathroom all changed, the table was all set again and Gulf was already waiting for him. Although it was late at night, the couple had their dinner together.

When dinner was done, the couple proceed to their room and settled on the bed. The room was slightly dim with only the diffused light from the lampshade illuminating the place.

Pillows supported Mew's back as he reclined at the headboard and let his boyfriend rest on his chest. 

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I was going home late. I just had an urgent meeting with Mr. Chiu earlier." He felt Gulf's embrace tightened.

"I told you it's fine. So, did Mr. Chiu agree to your proposal?"

"Well, only if we could give him sample layouts and designs that would meet his standards."

"Don't stress too much. I know you can do it, trust me. hmm?" Mew reacted with a smile.

Drowsiness came back to Gulf as he felt how gentle nd light Mew's fingers are as they played into his hair. It was like they were putting a baby into sleep.

"Next time, I'll let you know when I'm going home late so that you won't wait and go to bed ahead of me. Is that okay?"

Gulf was too tired to utter a word, so he just answered with a nod.

"I love you, Gulf."

Mew couldn't help but smile as he heard him moaned softly instead of responding. Gulf has finally gone to sleep again.

"I'll do my best to make this project successful." Mew uttered.

"Because once this huge project is done..."

"I promise to ask for your hand and take you to the altar."

Mew beamed out a smile and kissed his lover goodnight before getting himself defeated by drowsiness.

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