I'm not a slut - lee minho

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<what are you doing here?>

Minho looks at you a little annoyed as you walk toward him through the thick snow

<you left your diary at my house>

you announce standing right in front of him as the music from the club can be heard from afar.

you knew you'd find him here... out of all places

<did i?>

he looks at you blankly, trying to remember if he could possibly have done that but then gives up and shrugs

<I leave crap everywhere, I can buy another diary>

Minho leans back and pulls a cigarette out of the pocket of his black leather jacket as he watches you carefully

you could wonder if he wasn't feeling cold in just that leather jacket when outside was snowing, it was probably the alcohol in his veins

<I read those pages>

his dark eyes sharply focus on you, he slowly takes a drag of his cigarette

<and what did you find, hm?>

<do you really love me?>

the boy blows smoke out of his mouth

<do you even want the answer? are you looking for a reason to get your feelings hurt?>

you smirk and take the cigarette out of his hand bringing it up to your lips

<do you think you can get my feelings hurt?>

you laughed blowing smoke out of your mouth just like he did before


he doesn't like that you took his cigarette and it shows on his face for a split second before he gets back to his neutral cold expression.

he grins at you

<I can certainly try>

you take another blow of the cigarette before giving it back to him, your red lipstick left a visible sign on it

<I want to see you try>

Minho chuckles softly

<are you sure?>

<I'm convinced of that>

he leans in closer to you, looking right into your eyes

<you're so sure that I can't hurt your feelings>

you shrug your shoulders

<you can't hurt my feelings when I have no feelings for you>

he seems genuinely surprised for a moment but then quickly recovers

<okay then. since you don't care, it shouldn't hit so hard when I say that I don't give a damn whether you like me or not>

he smirks thinking it may somehow hit you

you just take his diary out of your bag

<whatever you wrote here says quite the opposite>

you pout fakely and tilt your head to the side

Minho just rolls his eyes

< I mean, it's a diary. they're written in a moment of weakness, when you're all alone and feeling a little sorry for yourself. I was feeling lonely so I had to write something. that doesn't mean I actually feel anything towards you>

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