11.Dreams and Stars

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"I'll never need someone's permission to do my thing, wanna see?" Her eyes narrowed at me questioningly and before she could muster up any coherent response my lips met hers in a deep passionate kiss. I tugged at her bottom lip waiting for eliciting a delicate noise from her, she had no reaction. And before my tongue could get a taste of her I halted and pulled away. She straight on slapped me in my face. But, I smirked when her eyes burned with rage.

I lifted her chin with my finger expecting her to slap my hand away. She didn't. Instead she met my eyes hard on. "Being brave, huh, il mio fenice." She glared. "Shut the fuck up, Stephan"

"You're acting like you're one of those cheesy lover in a cliche romance novel."

I chuckled, not being able to hold it back.

"You should do that more often. Makes you look less like a matured fifty year old." I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm before enveloping her in an another kiss. Her hands shot up to wrap around my neck. My hands travelled from her hips to rest upon her cheeks. This time she tried to assert dominance, taking the initiative to be the one to bite my bottom lip, making me groan. She smirked into the kiss, genuinely satisfied with my response. Out tongues met in a heated wave of pleasure. Her fingers wrapped around my raven strands, tugging and pulling with the rhythmic motion of our rough pace.

She tasted divine. Like sweet honey and strawberry. I wish I could taste more of it.


Our valuable moment was intrupted by a loud bang. The door to our room burst open to reveal a redheaded dick. Mark. Great timing.

A stream of sunlight fell directly on my face. The same obnoxious assault again, every day.

It was all a dream, wasn't it? Felt too good to be a dream. Except the Mark part. He had to ruin my moments always.

Even in dreams.

I sat up on the mattress. Rubbing my eyes groggily and stretching my limbs. There was a dip in the other side of the bed. A figure shifting and a soft yawning.

"Morning, Ella" I voiced monotonously.

"Don't call me that. My name is Camila" she shifted to lay on her side. "Okay, Ella" she groaned at my response and murmured. "Useless to yell at a wall." "Guessing I'm that wall?" I gauged her reaction. She turned to look at me before replying sarcastically. "Unfortunately, yes, Mr. Luca" I smiled before standing up, letting the silk sheet cover fall off fully from my form revealing my naked upper body and black slacks I wore yesterday, her suave expression became that of speechless.

What can I say?


The night was too hot and I was too exhausted to take a shower or change my clothes at 3 in the midnight. All her fault for not falling asleep, I had to stay up until I was assured she was resting fine so that I could attain a peaceful slumber.

The doctor prescribed some meds and left me the complete responsibility of making sure she consumed it every morning after she woke up. After all that nuisance of calming her down and bringing her to sanity we reached home by ten. I carried her, bridal style, from the car to our bed. Covered her up and made her comfortable. she was all tossing and turning for the night. Everything, except sleeping. I guessed she was having a dream from all her incoherent mumblings.

I don't even remember how I ended up falling asleep on the bed beside her and I don't think she cares about it nor is she reluctant towards the idea.

Her heated stare bore in to the uncovered parts of my body, enjoying the view as much as she could. I didn't care to bring it up as I let her take it in for a while. Her eyes wandered from my head to toe, lingering awhile on the veins on my v line and my toned abs.

I walked towards the bathroom slowly and I could feel the muscles in my body flexing at ever movement. All the while her eyes followed me.

She just couldn't resist, can she?

I shut the door behind me, turning the shower on and basking in the cold and refreshing water. All the memories of what happened in the car ebbed away from my skin. But that one thing I said. I wished she wouldn't remember it. I hope she forgets.

I was basically cringing over it from the next moment I said that.

I'm here, Ella. I'm here for you.

Disgusting. Why did I even say that?

If she remembered, it would be the death of me. I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life. Not to talk about this morning's dream too.

What is that woman doing to me?

I walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist. I guess today is a feast for her alluring eyes.

She sat on the edge of the bed tying her hair into a bun. Her eyes met mine and a audible wow left her mouth. "Enjoying the view, huh?"

"Not at all" she snorted. Cute. No. What happened to me?

"I'm here, Ella. I'm here for you"

Her voice snapped me out of the argument with myself.

"What?" I tried to play it off, trying to act all innocent. "Ohhh, Mr. Luca doesn't remember annnyythingggg" she drawled. "What's up with the act, great Luca?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "What's up with that nickname?" She rose a brow "Answering my question with a question? Hmmmm"

"Care to turn? I wanna change." I smirked "Or... maybe...you could continue staring, Ms. D'mello." "The latter" she replied. Her constant gaze ignited a fire in the pit of my stomach.

Do men feel butterflies?

Unfortunately, yes.

I turned towards the closet choosing a pair of boxers and form fitting pants with the free hand. I nonchalantly loosened the tight grip I had on the towel around my waist and it fell to the floor and her stare was gone.

"Bothering not to look anymore?" I questioned. "A-are you serious? Y-you... jackass" she stuttered with each sentence she uttered and started cursing.

"You can look, now. - continue staring before I interrupt you, Ella. I have a meeting in an hour and you have to be ready in the mean time." She tilted her head. "why should I be ready?"

I turned around to find her covering her face with her hands. She was a brighter shade of red. But she couldn't help but flushing more as I walked towards her and removed her hands and replacing them with my own. Stroking her soft cheeks that had pillow creases on them. She looked cute. No denying it. Her soft gave met mine, melting my insides. I kissed her forehead and smiled as she looked so vulnerable.

"Welcome to Luca Corps. , Ms. D'mello."

- Aloysius

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