Chapter one: The Heavy Rain

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The gentle sound of thick rain fell onto the rough and slick ground as a soft sigh came from a man, his hair greyed and thick "come on man.. don't stiff me on this.. you know the Concord wants their Intel back, don't keep it from them.." his voice was slow and condescending as he spoke, leaning back in an old creaking chair.

"Fine Sir, here it's right here" a scared voice spoke as the sound of footsteps moving across and old long thought broken wooden floor creaked as a sliding noise came from somewhere before a heavy weighted noise from a briefcase of sorts fell to the floor "all the papers in her-" as the other was speaking the ricocheting and echoing noise of suppressed gun fire came from the room as grey haired male stood up looking upon the other dead male, he sighed "you shouldn't have stolen from us Johnathan.. you know we don't like thieves" he said sighing as he holstered his suppressed pistol back into his holster "disappointing.."

The sound of the creaky old floorboards bent underneath the tall, grey haired man, his black suit swallowed by the darkness of the room and his almost glowing green eyes shined through the darkness as he walked into the light of the furrow fair as he placed on his head a small hat, in one hand the brown and slightly damage briefcase and in the other a pair of slick black glasses the he now moved to his face covering his eyes. "Just another day at work" he said to himself in a low tone as he began to walk down the street, taking back allies and other wayward or roundabout paths to find himself waiting.. waiting for a train.

With the passing of a few short moments the male sat down on the train, first cart. Last seat facing the rest of the train, the case sitting next to him, his hand that was on the case now resting on his gun, just in case, was is reasoning.. he was just hoping for someone to try him.

The ding of the train sounded off, the train lurched and began to move, north towards the capital. The tall male rested against the chair watching the several others who were currently sitting in the train cart,  A group of 2 admits conversation in another language that the male had no clue of what they were talking about, 3 ladies sitting looking at each other, no speaking just blank stares, some moments he thought one of them were looking at him, but then they would look away.

then finally a 2 men, opposite sides of the train car, one on the left the other on the right, they shared glances toward him then at each other, soon enough they stood, tall and assertive before one walked over  "I take it you are The Reaper? "one asked as his eyes darted to the box then back to the now named individual, "yes. I am,  you and your associate are either spies, or the back up I asked for 3 fucking months ago.. " he said looking to the other "so? who are you" the other waited then spoke swiftly "I am commander Ortwin. Ortwin Steinmann, I was sent to take that cas-" a loud thud broke the mans sentence as The Reaper stood up pulling out his revolver "so, spy it is?" he said pulling the gun under the others jawline "return to your seat, commander.. we have 13 cities to get through, 4 provinces and 8 rebellions to fight against, you will need your rest" he said before moving reloading his gun "go back to your seat, Commander" he said softly while looking at the two, now noticing that all the other passengers had moved and looked at the loud noise and commotion.    

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