Chapter 11

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Lucius had taken you to a shop to get a dress. He hummed and looked at some and picked a few out for you. I looked at them and blushed sighing, "thanks."

After some time in the dressing room I picked one keeping it a secret which one it was from Lucius. He handed me some galleons to pay for it and I thanked him.

The secret Santa had been selected, you had gotten Emily which would be easy since she was your bestie. However, you wanted to get Lucius something, as your thank you for him tutoring you.

I sighed as I was walking the streets of Diagon Alley, "what do you get someone who has everything...." I sigh as I walked with Edward through the town.

"Make him something." Edward hummed.

I looked at him and sighed, "it needs to be perfect- I can't just make him some rinky dinky little craft or food."

Edward smirked and said, "you seem to care a lot for him to be a friend."

"Shush." I sigh as I search the shops.

"That's nice." Edward said as he showed you some of the pretty jewelry for Emily.

"Hmmm... let's get Lucius's first, cause Emily I know she'll like anything." I sigh as I look around and my eyes catch a new shop. I walk over and look seeing it was someone who makes caps for wands. I looked around curiously, "must be a new trend." I hum in thought and a beautiful silver serpent catches my eye.

It was the head of a snake with emerald eyes.

"Excuse me sir how much for that snake head?" I ask searching my purse.

Edward looked around humming.

"200 galleons, and I'll add on a cane attachment for 50 galleons." The man said.

I bit my inner cheek, I only had 300 galleons but damn was that such a cool gift. 'I bet Narcissa didn't even give him something like this-' I thought and shook my head sighing, 'maybe that potion was lingering...'

I sigh and say, "alright, could you perhaps wrap it up for me please? It's a gift."

The man smiled and nodded taking my money, "lucky boyfriend of yours. It's one of kind."

"Uh he's-" I sigh deciding not to argue and smile, "I hope he likes it..."

Edward scanned me and hummed as I took the bag thanking the male. "250 galleons? He might as well be your boyfriend." Edward said holding my hand as we walked through the town.

Emily was easy to shop for, she liked anything. I hummed and looked in one of our favorite shops and picked out a few pieces of some cheaper jewelry and some candies. I hum and say, "perfect and now I have 10 galleons left... I can use the rest for any last minute things."

Edward sighed and took my hands as he apparated me back to my dorm. I huffed stabilizing myself and went to hide the presents under my bed.

The party was tomorrow so the next plan of action was Lucius and I to decorate.

"Hey cutie." Lucius said smirking as he saw me when I walked in the ballroom.

I blush and scoff, "hey- you."

He hummed and said, "I bought the decorations you asked about." He used his wand and pulled the huge box out of his pocket.

I nod and the two of started working as Lucius wove his wand and played some Christmas music.

I hummed along as I stood on a ladder placing the streamers. Lucius looked up at you smirking a bit as he handed you tape.

"What are you-" I looked at my skirt and covered myself, "pervert!"

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