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anxiously, you breathed, listening to your fast heartbeat. your hands sweaty as you gulped, this was the last post it note you were going to place on his locker today.

you tightly held the bear post it note, praying that no one would head to his locker, or rin going himself. there is no way he's gonna come at this time, right? everyone is already in the hall, waiting or whatsoever. 

you peeked around, taking small steps as a quiet sigh or relief escaped your lips. he wouldn't catch me, this will be the worst timing ever...

you only wanted rin to acknowledge your feelings for him, the feelings that lingered on him for the past years. maybe you were planning to confess, but it wouldn't be a 100 percent to see him in the future. you just wanted him to know how much he made you feel, change. 

some feelings that you never felt for another person. you are now standing in front of the itoshi's locker, hands slightly shaking as you placed the final note on the locker door. 

you softly caressed the note, knowing that this might be the last time you would see rin, and that your high school life is coming to an end after the graduation ceremony, you guys are probably going to different universities in different countries. 

your lips curved up into a small smile, dropping your hands as you started walking back. you glanced around to try and memorise your school the last time. 

suddenly, a hand trapped you onto the wall, covering your frame as a manly perfume invaded your nostrils. they were taller then you by loads, their orbs burning a hole onto yours. 

"it's you." you slowly opened your eyes, unfolding the sweaty hands from your chest, "r-rin..." out of the blues, he placed a soft kiss on your head, gasping lightly as butterflies flew away from your ribcage. "i'm glad it was you." he pressed his cheek against your head, now hugging you.

he stayed quiet, enjoying this moment, until he accidentally glanced at the final note you placed a few minutes ago. a smirk appeared on his face, thinking what would be inside.

"so you-" he let you go, only to see that you vanished in thin air, his face turning into a frown, but thats when he felt another piece of paper in his warm hands. it was the bear post it note, the same one you've been placing on his locker for 21 days.

he opened the paper as his orbs followed the numbers written.


a soft smile formed as he covered his moth, a faint blush on his cheeks, he placed the note in his pocket when he heard a familiar voice.

"rin, the ceremony is about to start? what are you doing here?" isagi's voice boomed, rin glanced at over his shoulder and saw his friend.

"i'll be there in a sec, wait." he shoo'd the blue haired male away, as isagi playfully grinned, placing his hands in his pockets and walking away. 

rin turned his head at his locker again, taking the post it note as his heart melted with joy. even though this might be weird, but he did it anyways. he gently placed a soft kiss on the note just like he did with you, walking back towards to the hall searching for you as the two notes filled his heart.

dear rin,

i love you, i meant it.

from: [name]

24 days
c o m p l e t e d

[fourth of january, 2024.]

thank you so much for reading this until the end!
i really appreciate the love and support!

i saw this rin milk on pinterest
and i desperately need it.

once again,

thank you very much for reading
this horrible book 
until the end,
ilysm rin simps 😍

- yuraararararar :3

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