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dear rin,

this is probably the
first time i'm giving a post it
note to you in the
tbh what if you saw me?
arrghh, i don't wanna ruin
my mysterious vibes!

and, i saw you in front
 of your locker
 just now,
are you trying to
catch me?
or are you trying to
pretend start a
conversation with isagi
 in the corner
so you can see me?

from: [initials]

you stood up, whipping your head around as your best friend, chigiri (i'm just gonna put everyone in the same school cuz im the author + im lazy + i want to + yaurrr 👹) sighed, "you're going again? this is the first time in the morning." 

"yepp! wish me luck!" you showed him a thumbs up, dashing towards the classroom door. your shoe clacked each side as my footsteps made it way towards the familiar locker. but your eyebrows shot up when you saw rin still talking with isagi, as your eyes accidentally met.

he eyed me, from you untied hair to you skirt, then you shoe, but his orbs stopped on you hands, gripping onto the brown bear post it, some scribbles on it as it looks similar to the notes he's receive.

"hello? earth to rin?" isagi waved in front of rin, who jerked his head back to his friend, "let's go." isagi's head pointed the opposite, which was where i was standing. "we're gonna be late." 

rin blinked, glancing at me once more before brushing his shoulder over mines, walking towards our shared homerooms. 

you breathed, relief coming out, quickly sticking the post it note onto the locker and dashing back, as you walked through the rows of table, you stole a glance at chigiri talking with isagi, bachira and rin. deciding to eavesdrop, you picked a shojo manga from you heavily decorated bag and read it, focusing on the panels. 

"rin was spacing out like, just now." isagi turned his head towards the green orbed male, who frowned, "i wasn't."

"denial is a river in egypt. what do think he was thinking about?" bachira grinned, "probably his secret admirer. i heard its someone in this class!" chigiri gulped, "yeah."

"and we were probably standing near rin's locker because rin wanted to see if there was any note for him today!" isagi teased his friend, nudging him on the elbow as rin rolled his eyes, acting as if he didn't care. "love's a bitch." rin rolled along as he tried to change the topic.

but he felt like someone was staring at him, or secretly listening to their conversation, he turned his back towards the young lady behind them, who was focused on reading the climax part of the shojo. or so he thinks.

he remembered that she was walking towards his locker, but maybe she just wanted to go to the toilet before class, these thoughts bundling up in his chest, making it fuzzy but he ignored the lump in his stomach and the princess's voice pushed it all away.

"are you staring at her?" the redhead tilted his head, sending a glance at his friend, who was grinning cheek to cheek since the sparks of the main characters are happening. "no." yes, so?

"you were looking at her." rin stole one more glance at the girl, who was childishly giggling, "no, i was admiring how the books are perfectly organised." yes, i was, she really pretty, especially her smile. i felt like she was the only girl in the class who isn't bothering me, which is why i prefer her over others, she's quiet, has a nice smile, probably kind as well, but i don't have a crush on her. no way. and even so, it will just be a lukewarm (💀) crush.

i'm just complementing her, that's all. i think her name was y/n or something? 

jinja y/n... or something.


that name is similar to the initials.

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