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"heyy y/nn!" the redhead waved, rushing towards you within a second, "hyo! whats up?" chigiri showed his phone right in front of your face, there was an amusement park nearby the district, and bachira somehow got the final 5 free tickets, perfect for the 5 of them. "5 tickets... that's odd." you pointed out.

"yeah! i know, but still! can you go?" he asked, "sure i have nothing to do anyways." you lazily shrugged, "ok!"

it was sunday. and surprisingly you were not the last one to arrive since you were picking some snacks to buy. "y/nn! over hereee!" bachira waved, he was dressed in an oversized graphic tee overlapping with a yellow sweater, shorts and some converse, a small cute bag pack. isagi smiled, the young man was wearing a blue hoodie with a black jacket, finishing off with cargo pants and a over body bag.

and your best friend, of course, he had a great (you were just agreeing with your best friends because thats what friends do) taste in fashion, in a sweater with a shirt underneath, a pair of flannel pants you brought for him and his hair tied up. 

you were dressed in a black tank top with your hair tied in a messy bun, a random pair of sage cargo pants, some jewellery to top it off, and a jacket for sure.

the thing is, there was only 4 people here, "who's the fifth guy?" you asked, whipping your head. chigiri lifted his chin towards the direction, turning your head. 

oh my lords. 

i can end my life already. 

there he was, dressed in a black turtle neck, a long jacket that brushed his shin, pants that fit him perfectly. "oh my fucking god, chigiri." you nudged your best friend on the shoulder, who chuckled. 

his jawline was sculpted by god itself. like what the fuck? drop dead gorgeous. with his high cheekbone and neck, you felt meeting him was already enough. "why didn't you tell me earlier you asshole!" you whisper yelled at your bestie, "i look like shit here." you were annoyed.

"you don't look like shit. it's okay." he patted you on the shoulder, as you rolled your eyes. rin eyed you, his lingering view stayed on you for a while before turning to isagi. "let's go to the rollercoaster!" bachira grinned, grabbing you on the wrists as he pulled you. "wai-" 

"oh god." 

the 5 of you spent your afternoon in the childish place, at last, you guys lined up for the ferris wheel, which was 4 people per cart. but of course, no one wants to be left out, so the 5 of you guys did rock paper scissors.

and the thing was, you and rin lost. so it meant that the two of you will be on the ferris wheel, at night, alone. thinking about it just made your heart squeeze in joy, giggling and twirling your hair. "two?" rin nodded his head, "here. don't step on the yellow line..." you couldn't stop thinking about rin, "jinja?" you jerked, "quick-" he grabbed you by the wrist, gently as he swiftly got on.

"are you okay? you're zooming out a lot." his tone a bit warmer, "um- uh yeah. i'm fine. it's just- something is on my mind." you scratched the back of your neck, nervously laughing. "you seem nervous about it."

"nah- i'm okay." you looked out the window, as the cart itself raised higher and higher each second, and you, were scared of heights. "oh my god- wait-" your knuckles turned white when you gripped onto the seat, rin blinked, staring at you. "scared of heights?" you quickly nodded, biting your lip.

he moved from his seat, placing himself next to you. "do you... want me to hug you or anything...?" his soft voice ringed, "ah... it's okay-" he didn't even listen, wrapping his strong arms around your fragile body as his chin was rested on top of your head.

"better?" you nodded, flustered by the action and your heart beating out of your chest. your breathing heavier and heavier as you listened to his fast heart beat.

he battered his long eyelashes, and then closing them. the two stayed like this for the rest of the ride, in each other's warmth. 

"oooohhhhh~" bachira smirked, after sitting down in the diner next to isagi and rin. "what happened? spill the tea sis." chigiri teased you, as h/c girl pushed the redhead with a blush.

"shut up." you mumbled. pouting as you tucked you hair behind you red ear, staring at your sneakers. "c'mon."

rin seemed to understand, he chew his lip as he held a small smile, seeing the young women flustered. "do... you know who is the person sticking bear post it notes on my locker everyday?" the itoshi cleared his throat, changing the conversation.

"they said they were best friends with chigiri... i think?" your best friend slowly turned his head towards you, i mean- he only had one best friend... so how was he suppose to lie now?

"is it you? jinja?" you instantly made a face, "no, why do you think its me? of course hyo has more then one best friend," you wrapped your shoulder over his, as chigiri sweat dropped, nodding with a nervous smile, "plus, he just likes me more then all his other friends cuz he doesn't have a lot of-" 

"alright, shut the fuck up." chigiri pushed you away, "heheh..." isagi observed the actions, the facial expressions and asked, "are you sure?" he tilted his head, "do you think i'm lying?" 

"you always lie."


"that's a lie."

you sighed, "no. i don't know, okay?" you bowed your head when the french fries arrived in front of the flaming red and white checkered table. 


oh gosh oh gosh, now i lied to him, how is he going to react when he finally know its me?

you put on a fake smile to comfort yourself, picking up the yellow fry and dipping it into the small metal bowl of ketchup.

"its okay, i will be okay, he will understand." you munched on the french fry as you nodded to yourself, "who he?"


"that's a lie."


little did you know, that very itoshi eyed your every action, listened to your every word as he felt a fuzzy feeling he couldn't get out.

dear rin,

i saw you at the amusement
park on saturday!

looks like you are having
a lot of fun with
your friends that day!

please make sure 
to hang out with your friends
more, don't stress out
yourself, it's almost
our graduation! 

we got this!!

from: [initials <3]

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