Chapter 4: Outta names

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As soon we saw them, it was too late. Gunfire rang from the darkness, the pavement below us shooting up. It was only a matter of time before we were shredded and killed, so we had to act fast. I waited for a gap in the fire, then I dove forward. A bullet ricocheted off the top of my helmet, giving me another headache. I pressed my head to the ground and waited. Soon the gunfire stopped, and I drew my pistol slowly, hoping, no, praying that I didn't get caught. I heard the clops of footsteps hitting the concrete slowly approach me, until somebody flipped me over. I felt them patting my chest, grabbing everything they found. I quickly opened my eyes and I jabbed my knee into the man's stomach. I stuffed the barrel of my pistol into the man's chest, then pulled the trigger. Bang. The gunshot was muffled slightly, however, it alarmed the other two teammates. "What the..." One of the other ones said. I turned swiftly and pulled the trigger. BANG! The player's shoulder jerked back. I saw Russel jump up and stab one in the back. Gregory fired into the back of the other player's head. Kasey just lay there, doing nothing to help us. "Thanks," I said, kneeling before the dead man and unzipping his bag. "Oooh, this guy was stacked!" I said, grabbing a three-plate carrier. As I took out my 2 plate-carrier, I looked at Kasey, who was just waiting for us to finish. "Kasey, you alright?" I asked. He looked at me, "Yeah," He sighed. I shrugged as I put in my 3 plate-carrier. The silence was deafening, and there was a strange feeling in the air, the mood shifted, and something felt off. Like when you break something and you hear your parents coming. "Well, that's that..." Kasey mumbled. Russel and I looked at each other, then him. Gregory seemed to be in his own world as he was still roaming through the bag. "What does that mean?!" I asked, picking a Lachman Sub with some incredible attachments to it. "This won't be the first close call we have," Kasey said. "Well no duh, Sherlock," Russel said, slinging a sniper over his shoulder. "I got a custom SMG here," I said, pulling it out of the bag. "Thanks." He muttered, picking it up and dropping his sidearm. "Are you sure you're okay, Kasey?" I asked again, putting the plates in my carrier. "I said I'm fine!" Kasey said, noticeably aggravated. "Alright, alright," I said. The squad hastily gathered their gear, making the most of the unexpected victory in the firefight. The atmosphere was tense, and Kasey's agitation added to the unease. As they regrouped, a decision needed to be made on their next move. With the immediate threat neutralized, they had a moment to strategize. "I think we need to get out of this area and find some cover," suggested Russel, scanning the surroundings for potential escape routes. "I agree," I said, holstering my pistol and shouldering my newly acquired Lachman Sub. "We need to keep moving and stay on our toes. Can't afford to be caught off guard again." Gregory finally looked up from the loot he was inspecting, realizing the urgency of the situation. "Let's head towards that abandoned warehouse over there," he pointed to a looming structure at the edge of the dimly lit street. "We can regroup, assess our situation, and figure out our next move." Kasey, still visibly frustrated, nodded in agreement. The squad moved quickly, weaving through the shadows and avoiding open areas. The abandoned warehouse loomed larger as they approached, its dark silhouette a potential sanctuary. Once inside, the squad found a quiet corner to take stock of their supplies and wounds. The silence was broken by the distant sounds of gunfire echoing through the night, a reminder that danger lurked outside. "Alright, let's figure out our plan," I said, spreading out a rough map of the area on a dusty table. "We need to find a way out of here without attracting too much attention. Any suggestions?" Russel leaned over the map, tracing a route with his finger. "There's an alley behind the warehouse that leads to the outskirts of the city. We could use that to avoid main streets and potential ambush points." "Sounds good," Gregory agreed, loading his weapon. "We need to stick together and watch each other's backs. No more surprises." Kasey, finally seeming more composed, nodded. "I'll take point. Just let me know if you see anything." With a plan in place, the squad moved out of the warehouse, cautiously navigating the shadows as they made their way toward the alley. The night was still young, and the city held more challenges for them. The close call served as a stark reminder that survival required both skill and vigilance in this unforgiving urban battleground. "We know that our base will be looking for the green flare, so they can send in an exfiltration to get us out of here." I said, folding up the map and putting it back in my backpack. The squad moved stealthily through the narrow alley, the dim glow of distant streetlights casting long shadows on the uneven pavement. Each step was deliberate, the squad members were hyper-aware of their surroundings. Kasey led the way, his senses on high alert, scanning for any signs of danger. As they traversed the alley, the squad occasionally paused to listen for any unusual sounds or to peer around corners before advancing. The distant echoes of gunfire and the occasional distant siren served as a constant reminder of the chaos engulfing the city. "We should be approaching the outskirts soon," Russel whispered, keeping pace with Kasey at the front of the group. "Once we're out of the immediate danger zone, we can regroup and reassess our overall strategy." The squad emerged from the alley into a quieter, more desolate part of the city. Tall buildings gave way to abandoned structures and overgrown lots. The moon's feeble light struggled to pierce through the thick canopy of clouds overhead, creating an eerie atmosphere. "We need to find a place to lay low for a while," suggested Gregory, checking the surrounding area for potential hiding spots. "Somewhere we can catch our breath and make sure we aren't being followed." A partially collapsed building loomed ahead, its shattered windows and crumbling walls offering a semblance of cover. The squad cautiously entered, their senses still heightened from the recent encounter. The interior was dark, and the air was thick with dust and decay. "Alright, let's take a moment here," I said, finding a relatively secure spot within the building. "Check your gear, treat any injuries, and keep an eye out for any signs of trouble." The squad settled into a tense but necessary routine, the adrenaline from the earlier firefight gradually giving way to a sense of cautious calm. Kasey, still seemingly on edge, took a moment to collect himself, while the others assessed their equipment and discussed their next moves. "We can't stay here forever," Russel remarked, breaking the brief silence. "We need to decide where we're heading and what our overall objective is. This city is a warzone, and we're right in the middle of it." As the squad deliberated on their next steps, the distant sounds of gunfire served as a harsh reminder that their journey through the city was far from over. With their lives hanging in the balance, the squad prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to navigate the urban battleground and emerge victorious. The squad, having caught their breath in the dilapidated building, suddenly heard distant footsteps and muffled voices echoing through the desolate corridors. The tension in the air thickened as they instinctively readied their weapons and took cover behind the crumbling walls. Kasey signaled for silence, his hand gesturing to the others to stay low. The approaching enemy forces grew closer, their voices becoming more distinct. The squad strained to hear their conversations, trying to discern their intentions. "Looks like we've got company," Gregory whispered, his eyes narrowing as he peered around a corner. The enemy forces, unaware of the squad's presence, entered the building. There were three of them, heavily armed and moving with tactical precision. It was clear they were a threat, and the squad had little choice but to engage. Without a word, Kasey took the lead, swiftly moving to flank the enemy. The squad members synchronized their movements, silently communicating through gestures. As the enemy soldiers passed by, Kasey gave the signal, and the squad opened fire. Gunshots echoed through the decaying building, the flashes of muzzle fire illuminating the shadows. The unexpected attack caught the enemy forces off guard, and a chaotic firefight erupted. Bullets ricocheted off the walls, filling the air with a cacophony. Russel lined up his sights and fired a precise shot, taking down one of the assailants. Gregory and I provided covering fire, strategically moving to different positions to outmaneuver the remaining enemies. Kasey, in close-quarters combat, engaged in a fierce struggle with an adversary. Amid the chaos, shouts and curses blended with the staccato rhythm of gunfire. The squad fought with determination, each member relying on their training and instincts. The clash was intense, the outcome uncertain as the squad faced a formidable adversary within the confines of the decaying building. As the echoes of gunfire subsided, the dust settled, revealing the aftermath of the skirmish. The squad, victorious but not unscathed, assessed the situation. The enemy forces lay defeated, their weapons scattered across the cold floor. "Everyone okay?" I asked, checking for injuries among the squad. Russel nodded, reloading his weapon. "We need to move quickly. This firefight might attract more unwanted attention." Kasey, still catching his breath from the close-quarters struggle, looked around warily. "Let's grab what we can and get out of here before more show up." The squad hastily gathered what supplies they could salvage from the fallen enemies, then made a swift exit from the building. The night air outside was tense, and the squad knew they couldn't afford to stay in one place for long. As they continued their journey through the war-torn city, the echoes of the firefight lingered, a reminder that danger could strike at any moment in this unforgiving urban battleground. "I see the green smoke where we call in the exfil!" I whispered, pointing just barley above the brick wall. "Great, we can go there and then get out," Gregory said, taking lead. The wall was pretty tall, 8 feet high, and me, only being about half-an-inch taller than Russel, knew that the wall almost being 3 feet taller than us, wasn't very good. I backed up about 4 yards, assuming a running position. "Randy, there's no shot you'll make that jump." Russel said. The three stood, watching. "I wish I had popcorn," Kasey said, taking a knee. I took a sprinting start, then I leaped when I wasn't too far away from the wall. My hands hit the top of the wall, and I started kick and pulling in a hopeless attempt to climb the wall. I could hear the group laughing behind me. I put my boots on the wall, in an attempt to to scale it instead. I could already feel my arms starting to ache, as I had taken off my arm and leg padding on the trip here. "No shot," Gregory said, still chuckling a little. I lied my left am flat on the top of the wall, slinging my left leg over as well. "Oof, this is not a good position," I muttered, chuckling a little. I felt a push on my right leg as Russel pushed me up. "Up we go, come on," He muttered, helping me up. With the combined forces of me pushing up, and him also pushing up, I finally made my way up. "Alright Russel, you're up next. Kasey, use your arms and boost him up, Russel will push off it." I said. Kasey hesitated, thought walked over slowly. "Come on Kasey, it's not like I'm asking for you to kiss him, hurry up." I said, "Shut up," Kasey said. I held out my hand. Russel grabbed it, (In a non homo way) and I help pull him up. After a bit of time, we got Kasey up the wall. With a struggle, we got Gregory up. After we all got down from the wall, we made out way over the green smoke. I pulled out a green flare gun out of my bag and shot it up. "Alpha-1 to Dino-4, we are 2 klicks out" Came a voice from my radio. Several enemy voices rang from behind the wall, clearly they were supposed to be the AI that the game has, but now that the game was real, they are now real people. However, we thought we know they couldn't get over. And then a player voice rang out. "Oh no..." I muttered. We raised out weapons, the lazers from our guns beaming all around the buildings walls. The blades from the chopper faded into earshot, and almost as soon as we heard them, it was already coming in. The choppers blades threw dust and loose pebbles everywhere. "Get on!" Rang a voice from the helicopter, no doubt it was an American soldier. I rushed into the helicopter, a group of 8 Marines rusing past me onto the battlefield. The Marine escorting us looked at me, then Russel, then Kasey, and then Gregory. "Who are you four?" He asked suspiciously. "Dino-4, we are RTB now," the pilot said. I felt the helicopter lift under my legs, almost knocking me off my feet. "This sounds so stupid..." Russel muttered. I looked down at the floor below me. Telling the man we were teleported here from a game sounds so stupid. No way he'll believe it. I thought, "We are in a different battalion. We came from across the area." Kasey said. The Marine seemed to believe him, though he was still skeptical. "Right." He said slowly. "So, Randal," The Marine said, reading the tag that was on my chest. I glanced up, "You seem awfully young to be in the Marines." The Marine said. "All of you do," He continued. "Puberty for all of us was like my father." I said. "And what's that?" The marine asked. "Absent." I muttered. Russel and Gregory chuckled, and Kasey snickering. Even the Marine chuckled a little. "Name's Dan, nice to meet you all." Dan said, extending out a hand to shake. I hesitantly shook his hand, his tan glove being an irritating texture to my bare hands. As Dan shook the others hands, I took a deep breath, hoping we would make it back. "So, you guys hungry? This helicopter has a few spare MREs." Dan said. I nodded, as well as the other three. Dan got up and started to the cockpit, "I'll be right back." He said, going up the few steps into the cockpit. Dan said hey to someone, told him something, and then opened a container. A few moments later Dan came out again, holding 4 MREs in his arms. He tossed one to me and I almost dropped it. Chili and macaroni? Never heard of this one. I thought as I tore it open with my teeth. "These things are hard to open with just your hands," I muttered as I poured some water from my canteen into the MRE. After letting the water seep into the meal, I closed it with my hands and shook it profusely. After hearing the crunches of food in the bag, I opened it. The clusters of white and red mush didn't look very appetizing. I took a gray plastic fork out of small black bag and took a bite of the food. The texture was dryer than the Sahara Desert. The taste was like wet dog food. I gagged. Dan laughed a little, "You'll get used to it," He said, "I actually don't think I've tried that flavor before, can I try?" He asked, looking at the flavor. "Sure," I said, handing him my fork. He took it and grabbed a piece of white-and-red clumps and put it in his mouth. "Mmm, this is good." He said, mouth full of food, "This is one of the better flavors," He said. How fun, I thought sarcastically. "I've had an MRE before," Russel said. "Oh, did you now?" Dan asked, sounding intrigued. After Russel gave an in depth description of the taste of the MRE, I felt the helicopter slow down rapidly, then slowly going down. After a few moments, I hear the engine of the helicopter die down, and the ramp slammed down, letting in a lethal amount of light into the helicopter. A man in a navy blue uniform with metals streaking both sides with a navy blue hat with a golden symbol at the top of the hat walked up. 

Hello my beautiful readers, I hope you are having the best of your new year. If this story gets 100 reads in a week, I'll make a special chapter about whatever you guys want me to make. it must be related to a military style, that's it. You have until January 10th, good luck!

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