A Letter Home

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Dear, my parents

I miss you, and I'm writing to you because I wish to be home with you again. I miss being able to play with my dogs, and being able to play games. Instead, I'm in a camp in Ukraine, waiting for this stupid war to end. I'm doing okay, and I'll make it home in one piece. The camp is really hot, but it's pretty decent, but at least we have air conditioning and beverages. (non alcoholic) I got some friends with me, and I've made a few, too! You we're right, I should have stopped playing games. I know you probably won't be read this, and you'll throw it out as soon as you find out it's from me, but just know, I love you, mom and dad. I'll make it home as soon as I can.

Sincerely, Randy.

Dear, my special one ♥️

In case you been wondering where I am, and why I haven't been answering your texts and calls, it's because I am in the middle of a battlefield. Don't worry, because I'll make it out fine, and I'll pay you a visit when I get back! Just worry about school, and your friends. I'll talk to you as soon as I get home. I promise I'll make it back alive. I love you, and I hope you love me back.

From, your love, Randy.

A Soldiers EndHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin