"Department heads report to conference room one."

They leave together, marching side-by-side. Marlowe, Rowan, and Sakke are already there, the former at the right hand of Wicherek, who has sat himself at the head of the table. He sits rigid in perfect posture, his mouth cast into an ever-frown. Noreen and Abbaas join them right as Jaedah and Granger take their seats. The master surgeon and head of science stick themselves close to Jaedah. It divides the room, the five of them inclined to one end of the table while Wicherek, Marlowe, and Sakke are settled at the other.

"Mission report," Wicherek demands.

Marlowe is quick to give it.

"Evans and I tailed the traveling party to a city beneath the desert. It resides in the central-west region. Some ravine the ardeans had covered and concealed to the curious eye. It's the Principality of Selenia, ruled by at least two royals, one August Prince Khadri and one Princess Kahle. We followed an exploratory party led by Princess Kahle and the Pathfinder to a facility in the northwestern region of the desert. It resides in a cluster of floating islands - "

Abbaas cuts in, eye-wide as he murmurs; "Floating islands?"

Marlowe glances at him, a second of silence as he interrupts her, and then she continues.

"Yes. Floating islands. They're home to a building named The Labyrinth. I believe that it's a processing facility for this."

Marlowe pulls a little, golden gemstone from her pocket and presents it to Wicherek. He takes it gingerly, turning it carefully in his hand as he observes, eyes narrowed. As Jaedah watches him, gaze flickering between his face and the gemstone he holds, a vague sense of apprehension creeps across her skin.

"Do we know what this is?" Wicherek asks.

"No," Marlowe replies. "But I believe that it's important."

Wicherek nods. "Mr. Leandros, I trust your department to carry out a full analysis of it. I want a report back by the end of tomorrow."

He hands the gemstone off to Abbaas, and though Abbaas takes it, there's a wary look in his eye.

"Okay," He says.

However, before he can ask even a single question, Wicherek continues like a bull.

"In the meantime, I'll send scouts out to see if they can locate more of it or where it comes from."

Unease churns ill in Jaedah's gut. Scouting like that is a breach of both borders and trust, and one of the worser to decisions to make. They should talk with the Pathfinder, should have been talking with her from the start, rather than sinking further behind her back like this. It undermines all diplomatic efforts.

"I don't think you'll get very far," Granger states. "Not when your pilot killed a dragon."

Jaedah's heart drops from her chest as she freezes.

"You killed a dragon?"

The beasts are still new to her, yet from what she had seen of them in Orende, they aren't just some tool among ardean arsenals. They're conscious creatures who've formed a connection with ardeans, and to hear that a UNISED officer has killed one in cold blood terrifies Jaedah. No reply to that will be kind. The hopes of repair in their relationship with The Eijoa has been foiled completely.

What the hell is Wicherek doing? He's the Director-General of UNISED. He should be favoring peace. They're peaceful spacefarers after all. Or at least, they're supposed to be.

Wicherek's dull brown eyes turn upon her, and as he tastes her incredulity, there is a moment where they heat beneath a spark of ire.

"It was an animal attacking my officers, Commander. Of course it was killed," Wicherek states harshly. "If a rabid dog came at you in-field, would you not put it down before it put you down?"

CIRCEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora