Tyler and skys bond

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Sky let out a slight laugh as he chased his now 3 year old brother around the room. It was the day after his birthday and sky was definitely enjoying his brothers newfound energy. They hadn't taken down the decorations yet and Tyler didn't seem to mind much that the balloons were still there. While he was running from sky he quickly picked up a balloon with the number 3 on it and ran off laughing. "Oh come on you silly boy! Just let me catch you already!" "Nu uh sky! I go weee!" He squealed back before running away. The chase didn't last long before sky finally picked him up and spun Tyler around in his arms while grinning a bit. He finally gave up the chase and just nuzzled into his big brothers neck and rested a bit. Despite the 3 year old being energetic his brother made him feel okay to show how tired he was after a little run. Sky walked towards his bedroom and gently placed him on the crib while not waking up Sophia. After a successful mission, he turned off the lights and closed the door softly. A small grin made its way up his face as he walked off, proud of playing with his brother.

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