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No ones POV:"!

Wednesday was sat in the bathtub with her family.
They all shivered as the crashes and loud thuds banged against the mansion.
However,Wednesday had no sense of fear on her face.
The only thing she truly was worried about at this moment was if enid and xavier were okay.

Wednesdays POV:

My thoughts were overtaking my body and wouldn't stop.
My mother was holding onto my brother tightly as the house started shaking.

I think I even heard a few windows shatter.

I wasn't really bothered that much, though.
The only thing I could think of doing was leaving the bathroom and checking the damage.
I knew that my mother wouldn't let me leave,so I had to have a reason to go.

We were all sitting as we watched the time go by when suddenly a thud hit the window.
My head jarts towards the window, and I quickly walk over and open it, ignoring my mother's words.
To my suprise,I see xavier standing outside in the freezing cold.

"Wednesday,can I come in, please?"
"Yeah,wait there,"

I, near enough, ran down the stairs, knowing how dangerous the storm could be.
I've never cared so much for one person like I do with xavier.
I just couldn't bear to see him hurt ever.
He's like the Prince charming. I never ha-
No,no ,I can't say that.
Right now, I need to try and make sure we both don't get murdered by lightning.

I eventually reached the front door and rushed him inside.
He was soaked from head to toe.
Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.
I vanished the thoughts from my mind and insisted that he go straight up to my family while I locked up the house.

His breathing was uncontrollable, and so was his shaking.
He was in pain,and I could tell.
I swear bad things always happen to the goodest people.
What's not to like about that.

By the time I had finished locking up, I found myself being stabbed in the arm with some loose glass.
I screamed in pain as I yanked the glass out of my skin.
"Yes mother,ill be up now!"

The thunder got louder and louder as I made my way back to the bathroom.
I was clutching onto my arm, trying to keep the blood inside my body.
I ran up to the bathroom door and put my back against it.
I was willing to sacrifice myself if I had to.
My family has done nothing to help and support me when I need it.

However,there's so many things I could say about xavier.
I'm not going to dig into all of that at this very moment, though.
Right now,I need to focus on keeping me and my loved ones alive.


By now,I was sat down with my back against the door while my family and xavier were in the bathtub.

Around 2 hours past and the banging stopped.
My family tried leaving but I insisted I go out first and check its safe.

"Wednesday,be careful"
"Yes mother"
I carefully walked through the house as my arm was still gushing out with blood from earlier.
There was quite a few items knocked over but that was pretty much it.
"It's safe,you can come out now guys"


The evening had went by fast.
Xavier decided to say round and help everyone clean up the house.
I'm not sure why,but I was very gratefull.
After all,we do live in a mansions so it would of taken hours to clean everything up.
My wound was still covered in blood.
I know it needs urgent care but it doesnt feel painful the slightest.


"Xavier,it really not that biug of a deal"
"Wednesday ,your arm is gushing out with blood,lets be real"

I nodded at his response and waited for him to hurry up and leave.
I watched as he applied rubbing achohol to the wound.
I flinched at the pressure and he quickly backed up.
"Im fine,just get it over with."
"If it hurts ive got some pain medication you can take?"
I gave him a harsh glare and he quickly went back to work on my cut.

After that he left.


No-bodys POV

Wednesday sat at her typewriter ,trying to think of ideas for her novel.
However,nothing came to mind.
She was so stressed out about returning to nevermore in 2 days.
She would have to deal with the harsh glares from other students and most of all,enids loud giggles and bickering.

She was used to it by now but it eventually got to her every once and a while.

Wednesday and xavier: never trust the love interest....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora