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Wednesday was sat in the car feeling a mixture of rage,pity,and self disgust.

Ever since the crazy events at nevermore,she hadn't really been speaking very much.
Most of the time, she either blocked people out or gave them the occasional look of dissaproval.
However,she enjoyed the fact that she was alone most of the time.
Being alone and ignoring people was her pride and joy.

As much as she likes being the cold, heartless girl she is,
She couldn't get a specific long-haired tall boy out of her mind.
He had somehow granted entry into her mind and wouldn't leave.
Wednesday was very confused as the only interactions she's had with this boy are either insults or drawing lessons.
Her cold-hearted self was not going to let this slide.
However,she figured she would dig into that a little bit later.
She hadn't had a break for over a year because of all the tyler and thornhill drama.
She at least wanted a rest before she could continue her mystery solving.


Wednesdays POV:

I was greeted by my family at the door.
They hugged me one by one, and I returned a small pat on the back.
Physical touch was not my speciality, and I'm going to keep it that way

So much had been going on at once, and I feel like I'm going to explode any second.
A variety of reasons to hide in a casket and never return filled my mind to the brim.

My mother had prepared a welcome home cake for me.
I'm not too keen on sugary food.
It's a bit too sweet for my liking.
I figured I would just save it for enid when she begs me to let her come over.

I understand why she wants to visit me, though.

Probably because she misses things,and also to Harris me with boy drama I don't care about

All boys are the same.
They take your heart and then break it into a million pieces.

I learnt that the hard way.

I'm not even sure why I decided it would be a good idea to get involved in a romantic relationship when all that would happen in the end was a stab in the back.
I'm grateful I have my friends and family to help me through all of this stuff.
Although,they can be quite annoying and overprotective sometimes.

"Darling,did you make any friends?"

My head snapped up, and all I could do was just glare at my mother.
For some reason,her voice is calming and warm.

"I don't do friends,however, if you must know,I have a few people in my friendship zone."

I wondered about my room after I finished speaking.
I really didn't feel like having a conversation right now.
My heads pounding with thoughts I can't even express.
But there's one specific person that has still been lurking my mind ALL day and night.

Xavier thorpe.

Every time I try to block him out, he always finds a way of coming back to me.
I'm not sure why I feel like this.
Ever since I saw the painting he made of me,I've felt odder around him than usual.
For some reason,he's just different than the others.

I flopped on my bed, feeling so overwhelmed with everything going on.
I wish I could just sink into my floor and die.
My head shot up, and I remembered something I neatly forgot about.

Xavier had gotten me a mobile phone as a parting gift.

I quickly ran over to my bag and unzipped the front pocket to reveal a small rectangular box.
I carefully slid the lid off and grabbed the phone from the inside.
I investigated the device for a second and then turned it on.
I eventered my pass code, and the screen unlocked.

To my suprise,my phone started buzzing while playing a random tune.
I looked up at the top of the screen.

(INCOMING CALL-xavier thorpe)

I couldn't help but smile at the sighting.
I wasn't sure whether to pick it up or leave it ringing.
I pressed answer, unsure why I was overthrowing so much about a lousy boy.

X-Hey , I didn't expect you to pick up
W-dont gloat,how have you been?
X-Good thanks ,what about you?
W-ive been well.
X-Come on facetimeee
W-No chance
X-please wens?
W-Fine,but never call me that again, or this will be your last ever conversation.
X-alright, whatever you say, wens.


I'm sat in my room waiting for something to happen.

I wish enid was here right now,she always knew how to entertain me when I'm stressed.
I never thought a colourful werewolf would have such a big effect on me.

"Wednesday,dinners ready"


Here I am,sat at the dining table staring at my food , swirling it around with my fork.
I have such a bad headache and really don't feel like eating.
On the other hand,pugsleys sat next to me, scoffing his face like usual.

"Mother,I'm not really in the mood to eat right now. Can I go upstairs?"
"Of course darling,If you get hungry later I'll heat it up"

I nodded my head slightly and excused myself from the table.
I decided practising chello would be my best option at the moment.
My typewriter is still by the door and I really can't be bothered to go fetch it.

I walked over to my balcony and sat down in the old wooden chair.
I picked up the chello and began playing my heart out.
All my emotions blened into the tune as the cold wind brushed along my skin.
My eyes were closed,forgetting about all my surroundings for a moment.
This was probably te most peice I'm very going to get during he break so I need to use it to my advantage.
Opportunities like this only come once in a lifetime.
It started raining just as I walked back into my room.
I'm glad I came inside while I had the chance.
I could tell a storm is heading my way.

1037 words!!

Hey guys!
This is my first chapter of my new story and I am so happy to be able to share it with u!

If you have any ideas for future chapters,please let me know xx

Wednesday and xavier: never trust the love interest....Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora