'Tom, this are Caesar Gannon, Louisa Aspari and Pete Mitchell.' He introduced each of us, Tom's eyes lingering on me for a while. 'Tom Kazansky.' He spoke. Tom 'iceman' Kazansky. I believe I've heard about him sometime. 'Congratulations on Top Gun. Sorry to hear about Cougar. He was a good man.' I frowned, something happened to Cougar?

'He quit.' Caesar whispered explaining the situation. Well that's a shame, but also a bit of a relief, I thought he died for a second. 'Still is a good man.' Maverick corrected him 'yeah that's what I meant.' I sighed I really want to get out of this conversation. 'Can you hold this for me I have to use the restroom.' I said while handing Caesar my beer. I stood up and walked towards the ladies room. 

I could feel some eyes on me as I walked away from them. 'Stop staring at her ass man.' I could frankly hear Goose say. He was either talking to Mav, Ice or Slider, because Caesar is married, and has seen my ass more that enough times to be staring at it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I needed to touch up my make-up a little bit. I took my lipstick and eyebrow-pencil out of my purse and re-applied it.  As I was finishing up, the door to the restroom swung open and in walked the familiar blonde guy with the ice blue eyes. Iceman.

'You know this is the ladies restroom right?' I asked him knowing damn well that he probably knew that, while I looked at him in the reflection of the mirror. He chuckled. 'Yeah, I am aware, didn't think I'd find you in the man's restroom.' I smiled feeling a blush creep up my face. 'Why were you looking for me?' I asked him, wondering why, if he wanted to talk to me he couldn't just do it outside of the restroom.

He stepped a little bit closer to me, making me feel his body heat, and he leaned against the counter. 'Well, I was going to ask you for your number, but I didn't think your boyfriend would let me.' He admitted. 'My boyfriend?' I asked, wondering which of the boys he mistakes for being my boyfriend. 'Caesar.' He replied with a slight frown on his face. A cute frown.

I laughed. 'Caesar is not my boyfriend. He is my R.I.O. and has been that for a long time, we are just good friends, and besides that, Caesar is married.' A grin formed on Tom's lips. 'So I can get your number, without getting my butt kicked.' He concluded. 'Yes sir.' 

I saw him smile at the nickname I gave him, a slight blush creeped it's way onto his face. 'Like that nickname, princess?' I asked him with a grin tugging at the corner of my lips. His face turned a shade darker that it was before and he pursed his lips into a straight line being a bit caught of guard. 

I laughed at his reaction while opening my purse, taking out a tissue and my eyebrow-pencil, since I didn't have anything else to write with. I wrote my number on it and folded it up. I look one of his hands in mine and laid the paper in it. 

The touch of my hands against his felt good. It feels very weird to say but in some way kind of electric. A slight blush creeped onto my face as I could see him admiring my face. Most boys don't look at me with that sparkle that he had in his eyes. 

I didn't want things to get weird so I let go of his hand, put my make-up back in my purse and turned around to walk away. 'Bye Tom, I'll see you later.' I whispered, getting myself together, regaining my confidence. He smiled. 'Bye sweetheart.'

My heard skipped a beat and my cheeks turned bright red. He smirked at my reaction. I forced myself to walk away from him, the tension still hanging in the air. He kept his eyes on me as I slowly walked away.

While I opened the restroom doors I glanced back at him. He had a bright smile on his face, and he was definitely checking out my ass as I walking. I raised my eyebrow at him, he just winked at me. A slight smile made it's way onto my face as I walked out, leaving him there. A breath I didn't know I was holding escaped my lips.

As I made my way back to the bar I noticed Maverick and Goose performing a show for a lady, they were singing, She's lost that loving feeling. I truly feel bad for her. Caesar was still sitting in the same place waiting for me to come back. 'You took your time.' He said handing me my beer. 'Yeah, had a visitor.'

'Who?' He asked me curiously. 'The one and only, Tom Kazansky.' 'No way, what did he want?' I smiled at his reaction. 'My number.' 'Did he get it?' 'Yes.' I looked at Iceman who re-entered the bar, the girl from before was all over him again, but this time he was trying to get rid of her. I laughed at the scene, he truly couldn't get her off him. The girl was very pretty though.

'You think Iceman is in need of help?' I asked Caesar, while pointing at them. 'Looks like it.' He replied, chuckling at the annoyed Iceman. So I decided to walk over to them. 'Hi.' The girl who's back was facing me, turned around and shot me an angry look, because I was interrupting her very important mating ritual. 

I saw Iceman looking at me with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, but I didn't pay attention to him. Instead I turned my attention to the girl, moving my head towards her ear to whisper something. 

'Hey, I am sorry to interrupt, but I came to save you from this guy. He is a total psycho, he used to stalk me and he isn't even a real pilot. Besides that he's got a small dick.' I whispered. It was all a lie of course, although that about his dick I don't know, but she bought it. She looked at Iceman disgusted. 'I have to go.' She said running of to the restroom. 

Iceman looked at me confused. 'How did you do that?' He said, seeming truly surprised. I simply replied, 'Classified.' He laughed confused. 'Well thank you, darling, I owe you' His eyes scanning mine. He just called me darling. First sweetheart and now darling. 'No problem, u seemed like you needed help.'I said, taking a sip of my beer. 

'Yo ice.' A very drunk Slider walked up to us. How did he manege to get so drunk in about fifteen minutes? 'Oh hey ford.' he greeted me, stumbling into Tom. 'Wanna play pool with us?' He tried to point at Goose, Caesar and another pilot named Merlin, who were standing at the pool table. Iceman looked at me suggestively. 'Sure.' I said.

I followed Iceman and Slider over to the pool table. The music blared through the speakers, filling the room with a mix of classic rock and laughter. As we approached the table, Goose turned to me with a mischievous grin. 'Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us,' Goose teased 'Oh, shut it.' I groaned.

'Don't think you can beat us that easily, darling.' I shrugged, trying to hide my competitive spirit. 'Oh, I don't know, Goose. I might surprise you.' I glanced at Iceman beside me, his ice blue eyes narrowing in concentration. 'Are you ready for this, Tom?' He flashed me a cocky grin, twirling the pool cue in his hand. 'You have no idea.'

As the game began, Iceman and I formed an unstoppable team. He was a natural, every shot calculated and precise. I bit back a smile as I watched him effortlessly sink ball after ball. Together, we dominated the table, leaving Caesar and Goose in disbelief. 

'I have know you for almost 6 years now, and in all those years I never knew you were this good at pool.' Caesar told me in disbelief. 'Well, now you know.' 'So you and Iceman huh,' He teased nudging me in the shoulder. I took a sip of my beer. 'What about us.' He shrugged. 'Do you like him?' I looked at Tom who was standing on the other side of the pool table, taking care of the drunk Slider. 

'I mean, he's nice, attractive and a good pilot. I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in him.' I replied. 'Just be careful, okay?' He warned me. 'You know me, I am always careful, especially with boys.' I told him. 'I know.'

The Sky's without a limit | Tom KazanskyWhere stories live. Discover now