Chapter 6: Agro Caculates Our Chance Of Death

Start from the beginning

"Let's go let Raiden know," I said to Agro.

"Hold up," Percy said. "No one ever said you could come."

I looked Percy straight in the eyes. "I'm coming, son of Poseidon. And you aren't going to stop me."


Later that day, I headed with Raiden to the campfire. I had my backpack on my shoulder, as did Raiden. The Apollo Cabin lead the sing-alongs.

"Sir," Percy said to Tantalus, once the sing-alongs were over.

Tantalus sneered at Percy. "Ah, does the sea-boy have something to say."

Percy looked as though he wanted to punch Tantalus (Who didn't), but he managed to calm himself.

"We know how to save the camp," he said. "We have to find the Golden Fleece in the Sea of Monsters."

"That's hardly a location," Tantalus said.

"I know where it is," Percy said.

Annabeth looked surprised. "You do?"

"30, 31, 75, 12," Percy said. "Those are the coordinates of the Golden Fleece. We need a quest!"

"Hold on just a minute-" Tantalus began, but the whole camp had taken up the chant.


"Fine!" Tantalus shouted angrily. "You brats want a quest?"


"Very well," Tantalus said. "I shall nominate a person to take on the quest. And I think the choice is obvious. Our champion today, Clarisse!"

The Ares Cabin began chanting and stomping. "CLARISSE! CLARISSE!"

Clarisse looked stunned, but still she stood up. "I accept the quest!"

"Hold on!" Percy shouted. "I had the dreams of Grover-"

"Shut up!" an Ares camper yelled. "You had your chance last summer!"

"Very well," Tantalus said. "Go consult the Oracle, my dear."

Clarisse stood up.

"Now," Tantalus said, smiling wickedly at all of us. "Anyone who leaves camp without my permission will be expelled."

I stood up, and Raiden tried to follow me, but I said, "I want to be alone for a few minutes."

Raiden nodded and headed off toward the Artemis Cabin, where she slept.

I headed toward the beach with Agro and Zade. A breeze ruffled my hair. The full moon was rising above Long Island Sound.

Are you sure you want to do this? Agro barked.


You know what this quest will entail?

"Yes," I repeated.

I sat down on the sand; Agro laid down next to me, and Zade perched on my shoulder.

I stared up the moon.

"Wish me luck, Mom," I said to it. The moon didn't answer. "I have to face him."

"Oh," a voice said from behind me. "I didn't think anyone would be here."

It was Percy, carrying a pack of Coke and a blanket.

I scowled. "What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to clear my head," Percy said, sitting down next to me on sand. "What about you?"

"None of your business," I snapped.

Just then, a guy dressed in jogging clothes appeared out of nowhere. Percy and I stared at him. The guy had salt-and-proper hair and a sly smile, like a thief.

I sighed. "Hello, Uncle."

The jogger looked at me. "Ainsley Theron. The forbidden child."

"You could say that, Hermes," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Ah, yes," Hermes said, turning to Percy. "Percy Jackson."

They then proceeded to have a long conversation, which I didn't listen to. I was too busy steeling myself for what was coming.

"You'd better get going," Hermes said, once their conversation was over. "You must go to that ship to begin your quest."

Hermes was pointing at a boat a little out form the shore.

He then disappeared, and then I noticed the Percy was holding 3 yellow duffel bags.

"Alright," I said, standing up. "Let's do this."

Just then, Tyson, Annabeth, and Raiden showed up, dressed for questing.

"We gotta hurry," Raiden said. "The cleaning harpies will be here in a minute."

She looked at me, and together, we ran toward the waves.

"What are you doing?!" Percy bellowed from behind us.

As soon as we reached the waves, I willed them to solidify. The water turned solid enough for us to run on.

"Are you ready?" Raiden asked me.

"Yes," I said, but it wasn't the truth.

I would never be ready to face him; not after everything.

Twins of the Hunt - Book 2: Torn Apart ✔️Where stories live. Discover now