Year Three: The Blonde Boy

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Hogwarts was always my favorite place to be. It's where I actually belonged.

Flashes of memories from muggle schools and how I never fit in started to come back into the front of my brain from where I always repressed them. I quickly pushed them back. Everyone there hated me. Finn was the twin that everyone liked, he seemed to fit in anywhere. I was just weird and problematic.

Here though I could truly be myself, I actually had friends. I loved my friends and they loved me. They are the best thing that ever happened to me.

Finn walked by with a bunch of giggling second years following pursuit trying to all talk to him at once. He waved at me with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

It hasn't been an hour yet and Finn already has a fan girl club. I would never admit this out loud but Finn was definitely the better looking of the two of us. He had warm blue eyes that reminded me of the sky right before sunset and a mess of curly brown hair on the top of his head. It was very flattering and it definitely pissed me off. You can't be mad at me for being a little jealous of him. He was so good at everything like quidditch, school, and socializing.

I on the other hand had slightly wavy dark brown hair with icy blue eyes and a terrible RBF. I'm incredibly average looking and there was nothing special about me.

Finn walked over to me, "Hey, sit by me?" He asked.

"No sorry, I should make sure Harry is feeling okay, tomorrow?" I replied

Finn nodded his head, "Yeah heard what happened on the train, crazy stuff."

I raised my eyebrows, "How?"

Finn chuckled a bit, "Nadia everyone knows. Malfoy told me, and you know that once that boy finds out everyone knows."

I rubbed my forehead and sighed, "Oh Merlin, poor Harry."

Finn gave me a pity smile and ruffled my hair, "See you later" I nodded and he walked into the dining hall.

I waited outside the doors for Ron, Harry, and Hermione when a familiar voice called out to me.

"Hey Black, did I just see you decline your moral support brother to sit by other human beings for a change? Looks like someone isn't as scared of everything as I thought."

I pressed my lips together and turned around to say something snarky to the speaker that has been harassing me since first year. I really can't believe him and Finn are friends. That's the only thing holding me back from absolutely strangling him.

"You know what Mal..." I stopped short just as I caught sight of him. Draco grew, a lot. He stood at least a head taller than my 5 foot frame and oh my Merlin was he blonde. The hair gel he always hair definitely didn't do his hair any justice. It was stick straight and falling slightly into his grey eyes. He was just... wow. I finally noticed that he was staring at me waiting for me to say something back. He raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong Black, cat got your tongue?" His little followers snickered. Nice to know Crabbe and Goyle were just as ugly as always. Matches their personalities perfectly. I opened my mouth to speak but I didn't have anything to say so I just huffed and turned away and walked into the dining hall to the Gryffindor table. I sat down next to Ginny who gave me a welcoming smile. I always loved Ginny she was so sweet.

I paid no attention to the blonde Slytherin boy who was looking at me from the table over. While  in the middle of a polite conversation with Ginny, Ron and Harry sat across from us and Hermione took a seat to my left.

Malfoy instantly tapped Harry on the shoulder and when Harry saw him his eyes immediately darkened, preparing for the worst.

"What Malfoy." Harry asked.

"Is it true you fainted? Like actually fainted?" Malfoy snickered. Harry didn't answer and just turned back around and looked at Hermione and me for help. I definitely didn't want to say anything and just ended up looking at the table in front of me.

"Shove off Malfoy." Ron snapped which just made Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle laugh even harder.

I groaned and put my head in my hands, "There is literally nothing you can say to them. Please don't respond." I told Ron who looked like he really wanted to give them his two cents. Malfoy started mimicking Harry fainting and Crabbe and Goyle almost fell out of their chair because they were laughing so hard.

This is going to be a long year. I looked up a sneaked a glance at the blonde boy, he met my eyes and smirked again. I groaned again and put my head down on the table.

Dumbledore stood up to start his beginning of the year speech, distracting me from the unneeded thoughts going on in my head about Malfoy.

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