Year Three: The Train

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I could hear the train whistling, signaling its departure as me and Finn rushed with our luggage over the the storage to put it on the train.

"WE ARE GOING TO MISS IT, COME ON!" Finn whined as he pulled on my wrist, almost causing me to take a nose-dive onto the concrete under my feet.

"BLOODY HELL FINN, YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!" I huffed back but continued to keep up with his quick pace to the nearest train entrance.

We made it just on time, the train door closed behind us and the Hogwarts Express began its slow acceleration out of the station. We waved at mother till she was completely out of sight before we split up to find our friends.

Harry was sitting with Hermione and Ron in a compartment. I sat next to Ron and realized there was a sleeping figure in our midst as well. I looked at Hermione and she shrugged in response. She had no idea who it was either.

I eyed the sleeping wizard for a bit. He was wearing very old robes. I looked at the rack above him. There was a name on his suitcase.

"Professor R. J. Lupin." I whispered.

"What?" Ron asked.

I raised my eyebrows at him, " That's his name idiot, it says on his suitcase.

Harry cranked his head back to look above the professor and squinted at the letters. "Oh." He nodded his head.

I snorted

"Wonder what he teaches?" Ron asked, frowning at the sleeping figure.

"That's obvious," Hermione stated, "there is only one vacancy isn't there?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts." I stated

Hermione nodded.

I stared at the poor man in pity, he has the most cursed job at Hogwarts, considering we all has 2 teachers in the past 2 years. He already looked like a wreck. He was giving homeless a little bit.

"You think he's gonna last?" Ron asked.

Harry looked at Lupin for a minute before he responded. "I don't know but for his sanity if he is going to quit after this year, I sure hope it isn't from some life threatening, You Know Who plot to come back into power.

The train was full of the sounds of chattering students, but out of nowhere the conversations abruptly ended.

"The train stopped, we can't be there yet." Hermione said and not a second after she finished the lights flickered off and you could hear the surprised sounds of shock coming from other compartments.

The air around us turned brittle and cold and it felt like all happiness and joy were suddenly sucked away just like the warmth of the train. I couldn't see the faces if Ron, Hermione, and Harry but I could feel the panic in the air around us.

Hearing a noise outside of the doors to the compartment I snapped my head in it's direction and saw what looked like a decaying black figure in a hood slowly sliding the door open.

Ron, Hermione, and I scrambled as far away from the creature as possible accidentally waking the sleeping professor.

"No one move or say anything." Lupin hissed. A second later Harry fell to the floor unconscious.

Hermione squeaked out his name and her hand flew automatically to her mouth but the creature was not interested in her.

The creature started making its way closer. In quicker than a blink Lupin was standing with his wand outstretched and a blinding white lights filled the space around us. The creature fled away.

The professor crouched over Harry just as the lights flickered back on and the train started moving again.

"What the bloody hell was that!" Ron demanded.

"Is Harry alright?" Hermione asked with concern in her voice.

"He'll be alright." Before Lupin answered what the creature was, Harry say up with a groan.

Lupin hands Harry a bar of chocolate, "Eat this, you'll feel better, if you'll excuse me I have to go and have a word with the driver."

Lupin quickly left the compartment with us all staring after him in utter confusion. Harry started nibbling on the chocolate a bit.

"Harry you are still pale, are you feeling okay?" I asked him eying his complexion and giving his shoulder a reassuring rub.

Harry rubbed his forehead "Yeah, I'm fine, what exactly just happened?"

"Well that... thing came into the compartment, and you just... I don't know... fainted." Hermione replied while eyeing him like she was expecting him to keel over again.

"That was scary, what was that? It got so cold and it felt like all happiness was just gone... like it would never come back again."

I was slightly reassured when Ron said he felt the same thing as me. I knew there were scary things in the wizarding world but if I'm being honest that thing just took scary to another level.

We all sat in an uncomfortable silence as the train finally pulled up to Hogsmead.

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