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In the garden of hearts,
love takes its root,
A healing balm, a gentle, soothing flute.
Its melody whispers through the soul,
Mending wounds, making broken spirits whole.

Underneath the moon's soft, silver glow,
Love blooms like a radiant, starlit show.
Its touch, a remedy for scars unseen, 
A tapestry of grace, woven serene.

Through shadows dark and valleys low,
Love's light persists, a steady, warming flow.
In the quiet of night, where sorrows weep,
It cradles the wounded, granting them sleep.

A dance of healing, a tender embrace,
Love's magic transcends time and space.
With every heartbeat, a rhythm pure,
It weaves a symphony that will endure.

Beyond the scars and the trials we face,
Love's resilience stands with unwavering grace. 

In its embrace, we find strength anew,
A testament to the power to love and to heal, too.

So let love be the anthem, the song we sing,
A melody of healing, on hopeful wing.
In the tapestry of time, love's threads entwine,

A masterpiece of compassion, endlessly divine.

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 & 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵|| PoemOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz