||The beginning||

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Megumi Fushiguro, a not so average 6 year old walked home from kindergarten as usual. He lives at an orphanage with his older sister Tsumiki Fushiguro. He and his sister had gotten abandoned for unknown reasons by their father. Megumi didn't care, he was never around anyways, but Tsumiki on the other hand was crushed. He didn't understand why as their dad never tried even once to bond with them. However his life will change this very day, this average day of Megumi will become one of the best days of his life.

He walked the normal route home from kindergarten as their father had left some money for education. Suddenly he heard something behind him. He didn't look back, it was probably some random person walking the same way he was going. But the person followed every step he took, all the way from kindergarten to the last corner to the orphanage. He had enough he turned around facing the man.

"What the hell do you want and who are you?!" when he turned around there was a man, not very old around 17 years old with white hair and glowing blue eyes with glasses that covered them a bit as he had them unnecessarily far down. 

"or rather what is that face" Megumi said as the man in front of him stood shocked with his mouth reaching the floor. "Ehem, sorry you just look... very similar to someone I know. I'm Gojo Satoru and I'm here to help you!"

"Help me with what? Not getting sold to some clan? I've already accepted my fate." Gojo laughed it off. "You're very mature for being uh, 6 years old? I'm here to help you and your sister. You wouldn't wanna make your sister suffer just cause you've 'accepted fate'?"

Megumi got shocked by the mans response, how did he know so much? "so what are you gonna do, hero?" that startled Gojo as he hadn't actually thought of that. "Well well, let's first go and talk with your sister, shall we?"

Megumi hesitated at first, but he lived at an orphanage, what's the worst that could happen. He sighed as he continued walking with this weird man following him. "Shit what the hell am I doing" Gojo thought as he slowly followed the kid.

"On second thought I shouldn't follow you, I need to talk to the eh, to a person first. See you tomorrow bye." He said as he ran of. Megumi just stood there confused for a few seconds and then just proceeded to walk to the orphanage, "Weird".

Gojo ran to the police station as they were the one who told Gojo to help him. "Excuse me I'm here because of the case of Toji Fushiguro" he said as he walked in. "Ah yes, what do you need?" They answered.

"Well what the hel- what am I supposed to do with the kid?" He said all confused. "Well we'd suggest you adopting him and his sister, that way you can become their legal guardian instead of being sold."

Gojo listened but then it hit him. "ADOPT? I'M ONLY 17-" He stopped before he could finish, 'right I lied saying I was 22 to seem more mature, GOJO YOU IDIOT' He thought as he coughed and let out a smile. " Of course when exactly?"

"Tomorrow will be fine, I can follow you there to help you." They answered as Gojo nodded and went outside. "TOMORROW?!"


Omg I just woke up from the dead to start a new fanfic and ignore my unfinished ones T-T anyways I hope you enjoyed and I'll try my best to update as fast as I can and hopefully have enough motivation <3

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