Chapter 13: Memories

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1 week after the previous chapter

Infinity Castle..

Muzan's pov:

I've finally done all the paperwork and planning for the shipment of the books Annatar- san requested to be sent to England. It was difficult since Europe is in a war they are calling, "The Great War," "The War to End All Wars" or "World War." Knowing how humans are, they will continue killing each other out of either Greed, Lust of power, 'freedom,' Envy or a misunderstanding so there will still be wars till the end of everything. Annatar once told me that humans are the most violent and discriminative creatures in the world which I agree since humans destroy each other more than what my demons do and demons only kill for food to get stronger while humans kill for the reasons I mentioned before. I look at the mythology books Annatar- san let me burrow which is funny considering how I never believed in the 'gods' because if there were higher beings then why haven't I been punished by them but there is a feeling of hate of them I feel deep within me that I never knew the reason of. 

Muzan in Greek: "Nyx, the Greek Primordial goddess of Night and wife of Erebus( the Primordial god of Darkness). Mother of: Thanatos( the personification of Death), Aether( the personification of Day along with Hemera), Moros(Doom, Destiny), Kers(Destruction), Hypnos(Sleep), the Oneiroi(Dreams), Momus(Blame), Oizys(Pain), the Hesperides, the Moirai(the Fates or Sisters of Fate), the Keres, Nemesis(Retribution), Apate(Deceit), Philotes(Love), Geras(Old Age), Dolos(Trickery) and Eris(Strife)." I read while thinking that some of that info was incorrect before I started getting a massive headache till my vision was blackened out.


76,000 years ago...

Tartarus, Greece

I was in a deep, dark cave. The cave was so dark it made the night sky seem paler compared to it. I look around till I hear a disembodied voice that seemed to come from the very darkness that surrounded this cave.

?? in Ancient tongue: "How are you, Morrigan?" The voice asked which I recognized as the being known as Sauron.

Morrigan/Muzan/Nyx in Ancient tongue: "I'm doing fine, Sauron. The magic you taught me helped immensely from seeing into the future, bringing back the dead, curses along with some other things so thank you." I gratefully said to the formless Sauron.

Sauron/Erebus: "It was a pleasure to teach you since your kind uses science and calculations which are lesser versions of magic, so it's nice to see that someone was interested in my dark magic." He said with pride in his voice.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nyx: "I've been thinking of a way that can help us but I wanted to know your opinion on the matter." I said while feeling slight heat on my cheeks and certain lower region.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Erebus: "What do you have in mind?" He asked with curiosity from his voice.

Nyx: "What if me and you marry and have children?" I asked with a more massive blush. This made Sauron pause for a few minutes as if he was shocked by my question which made me worry.

Erebus: "I will only accept if you truly love me. Just know that if you do, your soul will be bound to me for all eternity." He warned me which made me blush more due to how over the thousands of years, that I started to develop feeling that were more than what I had for my late husband. I also started to see humans as my children not workers like I previously thought of them as during my time with Dagda. Sauron showed me the true meaning of love and life since I was envious of my late husband since I could see someone's fate but can't bring them back the dead while Dagda could take or give back life with his now destroyed club. Sauron gave me more to my purpose to the life I was limited to. 

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