Chapter 3:The Meeting of the Kings

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3rd person pov:

After putting the Palantir in his satchel, Sauron left the cave on his horse to Mt. Yoko in search of the color changing metal. 

1 day later:

Sauron pov: 

After traveling for a day, I set up camp so the horse can rest while I check around in case there were bandits or "Demons," roaming around and saw a woman being chased by two swordsmen so I used one of the ringwraith's abilities that allows me to run twice as a fast and leave a streak of orange-ish, red light behind me while quietly following the three.

The swordsmen cornered the poor girl who sitting in a defensive stance away from the boys while the boys were harassing her and I was hiding behind them to know the situation.

Swordman#1: "You thought you could run away from us, we're demon slayers so chasing a girl who father is arrogant to lend us your hand in marriage but since he had an "accident" we can do whatever we want with you." while both were grinning disgustingly and I took out my broken sword which originally was orange but now turned black like the void with a streak of red and silver with a emblem of a flaming eye on the bottom of the blade. I teleport using another ringwraith ability to the "Demon slayers," and cut them down quickly.

 I teleport using another ringwraith ability to the "Demon slayers," and cut them down quickly

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( Orange-ish red glow instead of blue and without bow)

The woman screamed from fear while looking at scene in front of her and I approach her slowing and peacefully.

Sauron: "I'm not going to hurt you, little one." while holding my hand out to help her up which she hesitantly grabs and gets up.

Woman: "T-thank you."

Sauron: "Is there any members of your family left that can look after you?" I asked.

Woman: "My mom was away from the house when those two broke in and killed my dad then chased me."

Sauron: "Let me do something then I take you back to your home."

I then processed to take the swords of the killers and said "You don't deserve these plus I might make these as a collection" while putting the swords in the pockets of my cloak and cut off a certain thing that they kept thinking with.

Sauron: " Ok, let's go." The girl followed but there was a sound of  foot steps so I draw the broken sword defensively and saw it was a female "Demon" and shouted.

Sauron: "Hold up, time out, let's a make a deal."

F Demon: "What do you want" with a hunger that snarled at me.

Sauron: "There are 2 bodies behind us that killed this girl's father and tried to have their way with her but I intervened anyways you can have the fresh meat that's there and me and the girl will leave and we won't attack each other since your hungry and there's some good food so num num."

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