R-Chapter 2: The Boss and A Peculiar Teacher.

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It was certain that Tsuna had some reservations when a bully from the past resurfaced, and as anxiety flooded his mind, he began thinking what the supposed implications is of this suddenly happening. He retracted his mind how this could impact the life Tsuna had built for himself. Would it be better if he just let it be? Or will letting things be eventually become a harm for his family?

"... awada"

But then, what effect can Hideyoshi alone present to his family? In the end Tsuna decided to just let it be, it's still normal teasing, nothing too excessive.

'Yep, let's do that.' He thought finding his heart calm down.

"Sawada!" A clear gruff voice snapped him away from his thoughts as laughter bubbled from his surroundings. Noticing that he had delved too deep into his thoughts, Tsuna grimaced as he met the new teacher's face who had his brow lifted as if questioning what's got him so focused.


"Your attendance, Sawada. Or would you like it to be marked as absent, since it looks like your head's not with us yet." With a biting remark, Kagiura-sensei said, eyebrows raised in question. Tsuna flustered in response, a bright red flush growing from his neck which he only replied with a soft whisper of his presence. "Again, Sawada." Kagiura-sensei urged further, and Tsuna cried out this time speaking louder with a 'Yes sir!'. Kagiura-sensei saw it fitting and moved on to call students from across the room then first class of the day began.


Lunchtime came swiftly after 4 grueling hours of sitting, listening to soft murmurs of non-understandable lectures about these and those subjects. Not that Tsuna hadn't already made a rough encounter with these topics or even more advanced progress having Reborn for a tutor. He had always proclaimed to be a whole step ahead than the rest of the year. A tall order but not as hard as it should sound.

The gang met up in their usual spot on the rooftop, exchanging their thoughts on the first day and of what noteworthy events had transpired for each of them.

For Yamamoto and Gokudera, it was a mundane life that couldn't be any more than peaceful on their own terms. Kyoko, Hanna, and Chrome's had a new student, a dashing teen who made the classroom laugh amiably with his first sentence. As for Tsuna, he told them about the new teacher he had and how peculiar he seemed but made no moves to mention his encounter with a past... classmate. I mean there's no need to add unease but that would only be valid if the mentioned classmate had done him no inconvenience.

How Tsuna wishes it will continue to stay like this.


"Now turn to page 45 for the basics of Oral Communication. That will be your basis for the graded performance your gonna have starting next meeting." Kagiura-sensei's voice drawled out the morning to a dull session as it always had now that they are a few weeks in their academic year.

Not much had happened to Tsuna as weird as it could be for the mafia heir. Especially with Reborn being absent again. Tsuna noticed that the infant has been going to and from the house in ungodly hours doing God knows what but still never seem to forget Tsuna's Training. Every time Reborn is away, he'll leave a robot look-alike that whips Tsuna into his training schedule.

He sits quietly gazing outside daydreaming, tuned away from the soft noises of the morning and peacefulness radiating from having a normal day in class, aside from a few pangs of pain ringing from his body of course.

'It hurts likeeee hell... Damn you as always Reborn!'

Though for Tsuna's own opinion, it was never an unwelcome ache. This morning as well was a hellish one, because the robot made Tsuna run a 25-kilometer run around Namimori and had him strengthen his core for producing flames with the help of the pills which will continue in the afternoon. It was a consensus that both student and teacher agreed to when Tsuna forget his pills during a one-time pinch.

Drop All Pretence, Decimo!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt