'The Flight'

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• Your POV •

The long waited day finally come! I am now in an uber to the airport with my two layer jacket and has another one to wear when I get to Incheon International Airport. I can't contain my excitement, I keep on smiling like an idiot! I do hope the driver didn't thought I'm some kind of a weird person...

I look out the window the entire ride for I can see the beauty of my homeland before traveling to my second home, TXT's concert!

• End of Your POV •
• Third Person POV •

You arrive at your homeland international airport and check-in to your flight and stuff. Now you're walking to your assign gate which is pretty far from the entrance so you stop by a cafe to eat something to fill up your grumbling stomach. Your flight is 17:50 p.m (5:50) and now is 15:32 p.m (3:32) so, you have a lot more time to take a rest and eat before going to your assign gate.

After you eat somthing, you continue to walk to your gate and got distract on how beautiful is the watch is and after a long thinking, you decides to buy one then you continue to walk to the gate.

Then, after a few minutes of walking, you finally arrive at your assign gate. You then settle down and eat some leftover bun that you didn't finish earlier. You look at your new watch and shock to see that you almost late, it's 17:35 (5:35) p.m now.

"Lucky..." You mumbles to yourself and get up to throw the plastic to the trash bin.

17:45 (5:45) p.m the airplane/aeroplane arrive . After the previous passenger get out from the airplane, we got in and settle down. You booked the best seat, beside the window.

On the exact 17:50 (5:50) p.m, the plane take off as you are already full, your eyes feels heavy and heavier some time to time until you finally fall asleep.

< A/N: What will happen while your sleeping? Would there be unexpected plot twist? Stay tune for the next chapter~ Bye loves~! >

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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