Chapter 9 I A Thing or Two About Gossip

Start from the beginning

"That's cool." She nodded. " going to that big party tonight?"

"Maybe I mean one of my friends invited me but...I don't really know if I'm in the mood anymore." I admitted.

"Well I'll be there so maybe if you decide to come I'll see you there." Stina said.

"Yeah...maybe." I thought about it.

"See you later!" Stina walked off onto another path.

"Bye!" I called out. I heaved out a sigh of relief but a part of me also was happy I'd opened myself up to another person. I smiled. I could slowly feel my panic subsiding and slithering off to where it usually lay, planning its next strike.

I walked to some café near campus where I usually got breakfast...on my way there a vibration lit up my phone. An anonymous message. I frowned when I saw it not recognising the number. The message read.

I'm always here watching you Sophie Foster. And when you slip up. I'll be there to watch you fall.

I shivered, ugh freaky prank texts were honestly pathetic. Who would be this bored? I rolled my eyes and stuffed the phone into my black coat pocket and scoffed.

Vibrations of more likely more texts sounded by I ignored them and ordered a coffee from the front desk with a familiar looking cashier.

"Dex?" I asked.

"Oh....Sophie right? Sorry, most people would recognise their cousins." He laughed nervously. Dex and I weren't what you would call close friends but we were comfortable with each other but not in a oooh-he's-my-bestie-and-my-cousin-in-one.

"No problem. So what's up?" I tried to make some conversation

"Oh nothing really just hockey practice, cramming information into my head the usual. And this job...y'know trying to earn some extra cash so I don't go completely broke"

I smiled at his all too relatable comment. "Oh same. Minus the job and hockey...I'm painfully uncoordinated."

Dex laughs. "I know. Remember Christmas 2019? Our little basketball game? You broke your arm and had to be rushed to the hospital."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah yeah whatever. I'll let you get back to your job....see you around? We should catch up sometime" In introvert language that meant lets not.

"You coming to Wylie Endal's big party tonight?" Dex asked clicking away on the cash register, if which I did I would jam my finger.

"Everyone seems to be going so maybe."

"S'posed to be huge party." Dex commented.

"I'll think about it." I said eventually. I walked to collect my order which shortly after was called out. I sipped it on the way out slightly burning my tongue and wincing. My phone would not stop vibrating so I decided to pull it out to silence it.

I skimmed the messages. 7 to be exact all saying ominous things like.

I'll expose you Sophie. I'll watch everything you do if you don't step away now.

Fine then I'd play along

OOOOH so scary. I'm shaking. I wrote sarcastically. And step away from who or what?

You know who Sophie Foster....step away now or you'll regret it.

Marella? I took a shot in the dark Are you seriously threatening me again?

Guess again.

The caller just blocked my number. What the actual-

Not soon after I got a call from my parents. Not wanting to deal with anything else I ignored it for now and just texted them.

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