"That was a long call." It was Lisa who dared to answer me.

"It was an important call." I sat again on my chair while Audrey still eyeing me. I ignored her and gulped my beer.

Their conversation resumed, from time to time I was participating while Audrey kept her silence.

I don't really care about her, though I'd admit, it bothers me just a little bit thinking that she might figure out who called me a while ago.

It was 8 in the evening already and I was trying to find the right time to bid my goodbye.

Some of the guys were playing darts, the others watched while they cheered and laughed.

I found Lisa at the bar counter ordering for another round.

"Lis." I called on her.

"Hey, are you enjoying yourself? How's Audrey with you? You know she likes girls right?" She giggled. "She's been asking about you ever since she saw you on the 10th floor on your first day and man, she wouldn't shut up about inviting you out with us. Did she make a move on you? Come on, tell me!" 

I didn't think someone could be so enthusiastic about these things.

"There's nothing to tell, Lis. Listen, I have to run, I uhm, my Dad was planning to uhm, visit me tomorrow morning so I have to clean my apartment and go grocery shopping for breakfast tomorrow."

It was so lame, I know.

"But it's only 8." Lisa looked at her phone confirming the time.

"Exactly, it's 8 already. I'll go to the grocery after here then it will take me at least 20 to 25 minutes to go home then I need to clean then do my 3-week laundry, there's a lot I need to do. So, thank you, Lisa, really, I enjoyed tonight. Don't drink too much okay? I'll see you in the office on Monday."

I purposely talked too fast and didn't give her the chance to oppose.

"Guys, good night! I gotta run, thank you, and see you!" I yelled at the interns who were very focused on the game. I turned my back fast and didn't care if they heard me or not.

As soon as I was out of the pub, I took out my phone from my bag and composed a text to Alex.

Leaving the pub. And I hit send.

"That was so fast, so fast I'm starting to think it has something to do with me."

I was startled to hear Audrey's voice behind me.

I put my phone back in my bag and looked for my keys before I answered her, without turning my back to see her.

"Oh, believe me, it has nothing to do with you. I have some errands I need to do tonight." 

I was so glad when I found my key so fast, I pressed it open and as I reached for the door handle, Audrey's hand prevented me from opening it.

"What the hell?" I looked at her side and found her smiling, it's irritating.

"Why so eager to leave, Cara Greene?" She leaned her back on my car door, blocking it completely.

What is the problem of this girl?

I crossed my arms against my chest and looked straight into her eyes. If she thinks she has some kind of effect on me, she's wrong. It was only Alex who made me feel nervous and made my knees tremble just by gazing at my eyes.

"Didn't I just say I have some errands to do tonight?" I repeated my reasons, still looking straight into her eyes, trying to intimidate her but she didn't even budge.

God, this girl is so irritating!

"I heard that, I just don't believe it." She said smirking at me.

"I don't really care what you believe and what you don't, all I care about is getting into my car and leaving this place. So please, can you freaking move from my car?"

I made sure that the irritation I felt toward her was heard in my voice but damn, this girl is thick.

"In one condition!" I mentally rolled my eyes.

"No." I said firmly even if I hadn't heard what she had to say.

"Go out with me."

"What did I just say?" Can she be more annoying?

"Oh come on, Cara. One coffee wouldn't hurt." Her feature softened.

"Please? I'll behave, just one coffee." She begged.

I didn't know what came into me, probably I just wanted to go home so bad and I said yes to her for her to let me go.

What have I done?


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