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I walked the long way to the zoo. Enjoying the slight breeze as my black heels connected with the sidewalk, announcing every step I took with a click. The dimly lit area, mixed with the colder temperatures sent shivers down my spine, despite the white coat providing me with warmth.

I clutched a gray jacket in my hands for Samuel, figuring the rest of the night would continue to be too cold.

The first thing I saw was Coriolanus standing with the bars in his hands and Lucy on the other side. There was a dull fog above the tributes, almost symbolic to their inevitable demise. I found Samuel sitting in a shaded area that looked quite comfortable given the circumstances.

I walked up to a section of metal and called his name.

His head shot up, and his eyes met mine. I stood there, giving a smirking smile. He quickly got up and came to where I was standing.

"I thought you might not come again, after the interview."

"I told you I'd come to see you."

"I figured you'd be mad." He shyly looked at the ground.

"Hey," my hand reached for his chin. "I'm not mad,"

He looked up at me with a look in his eyes that made my stomach turn. He had a gleam in his eyes, a hope that we could be together, we couldn't.

I didn't love him, I didn't want to love him, I couldn't love him.

"I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"You don't need to apologize."

"Samuel, you're great, and I do care about you, just not how you want me to."

"I know." He chuckled. "I can see the way you look at him, and the way he looks at you. It's no surprise."

"It's not like that." I looked over at Coriolanus, who was glowing in the light.

"Your mouth can lie but your eyes can't." He pointed out. "You love him, and that's okay."

"I don't-" my words just stopped. I didn't have anything to say, I didn't know what to say.

He smiled, a genuine smile that had a sad feel. He wasn't mad at me for not loving him, but he was hurt even though he wouldn't say it.

"I brought you a jacket." I handed him the gray coat. "Figured it might keep you warm."

He accepted the clothing as I shoved it through the bars.

"Thank you." He slipped the jacket on.

I nodded my head and smiled.

"I'll be right back."

I walked over to Lucy Gray, taking off my own coat.

"Here." I handed her the jacket, revealing my gray sweater underneath. "You looked cold."

"Thank you." She looked at me like a deer in headlights.

"Of course." I smiled and began to walk when I felt someone gently grab my hand and pull me away from the cage.

"I was gonna go look at the arena, see if I could find any places to hide now." He held me so close we were almost touching.

"Okay," I questioned.

He smiled and shook his head to the side. "Will you come with me?"

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Samuel.

"I'm gonna go check out the arena and let you know what it's like now."

"Okay, be careful."

"Always." I walked back into the arena with Coriolanus.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 04 ⏰

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