Chapter 2

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Johanna sat in her quarters drinking away the night. The night before the tributes would be led to the interview. And then...the games will begin.

Blight entered the room unannounced which Johanna didn't find very amusing.

"I would prefer if you would knock before intruding into my personal space."

"Come on Hanna, loosen up a bit. Who would even believe you are a 20 year old. You act like an old hag."

"I definitely don't want to hear that from a bearded fool like you."

Blight simply chuckled and took a seat beside Johanna.

"Hey, mind if I ask you a question Hanna?"

"I cannot exactly stop you from asking one can I?"

Blight laughed at her response, "That's true."

"So why are you so fixated on that boy?"

"Fixated? I do not remember following him like a shadow."

"You seem to care for him though."

Johanna scoffed. She had lost the ability to care when she had found her family dead.

"You seem to have some misunderstandings Blight, I do not care for him, nor Bella. I already know he is going to die."

"And how do you know he is going to die?"

"Hah? Don't fuck with me Blight. You are the one who abandoned him because he isn't going to win."

"I agree, I have abandoned him. But not because he cannot win. He like every tribute has the potential to surprise us. He reminds me of you Hanna."

"What are you saying Blight?"

"Huh? Did you forget how you won your games?"

"I know how I won, but he is different than me. I had the desire to live. That desire made me survive those games. He... He doesn't care about his life."

And for some reason, that fact pissed Johanna.

"How can you say for sure that he has no desire to live?"


The outcome has already been decided

Johanna's next words were caught in her throat. Suddenly a very unlikely thought crossed her mind.

Blight just laughed at Johanna's silence.

"Well, you might say that I was the one who abandoned him. Of course, he forbid me from telling you, but he was the one who told me to focus entirely on Bella."

Johanna was shocked beyond belief.

"Hanna take what I am saying with a grain of salt, but I feel that boy is hiding something very sinister behind his facade."

With that, blight left Johanna to sort her thoughts. Johanna shook her head, trying to make sense of things before dropping down asleep in her bed. She did not have any nightmares that night for the first time in ages. Only the past few days replayed in her dreams.

Next morning, Kiyotaka knew something was different during breakfast. Johanna continued to stare at him during the entire breakfast. Kiyotaka glanced at Blight who had his usual smile on his face. Well, that was too be expected. He had already guessed that he would tell her, but had hoped that he would tell her after the games began. Kiyotaka continued to eat his breakfast while Johanna continued to stare at him. Bella was looking quite happy, satisfied in herself. It seems she had trained hard for the last three days.

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