Mission Start

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The first thing she felt was a severe ache all over her body. Eri pushed herself up from her crouched position on the ground so that she would be able to lean against the wall beside her. Turning her head from side to side, she stared into space, only to be met with a gray blurry background.

Bringing a hand up to her eyes, she rubs at them until the world is brought back into focus. Looking around, Eri took note of the fact that she was in an alleyway. The sun was setting, but the sky was already a deep blue. "I have to hurry if I want to be able to find shelter before night."

Shakily standing to her feet and using the wall as a brace, Eri walked out of the ally. Once on the sidewalk, she marveled at the sight. She saw people walking up and down the street, as cars drove past them. Buildings were fully intact, with lights emitting from them. This was Japan before the fall. There wasn't a spec of rubble or debris from a war-torn country Eri had gotten used to and seen for years. As she walked down the road, Eri felt the amount of people staring at her. "I have to get off the streets quickly."

Ducking back into the darkness of the alleyways, she tried to activate One For All; nothing happened. "I mean, it makes sense," Eri thought to herself. "I've completely exhausted Rewind to the point that my horn is barely a centimeter tall. There is no wonder why I woudln't be able to use One For All. It still kinda sucks, though."

As she hurriedly walked the streets, she tried to think of any place she could stay. "Asking to stay with anyone I know would immediately fail. They would be too suspicious of me, and I might derail the mission." Thinking back to her time on I-island, Eri finally thought of a place.

Taking a few more twists and turns through the streets before finally stopping in front of an old, abandoned-looking building. Walking up to the door, Eri stretched her hand out to the door handle, but instead of turning it, she pressed a secret button hidden in the wood beside it. The door opened, revealing a simple but useful room. She thought back to what Melissa told her back on I-island.

'Once you get back, go to this location. It's a safe house made by my father back when All Might was in school at UA. It's not that far from the school, so the mission should be fine. And don't worry about people showing up, it's kind of been forgotten, so no one has gone there since All Might graduated.'

Closing the door behind her and turning a light on, Eri took note of the first room. A simple kitchen towards the back with a single couch and TV towards the front. Opening a shelf, she found it empty of supplies, but that could be taken care of later. Going up the stairs, she found a laundry room with a supply closet across from it. At the end of the hallway was her room and bathroom. The bathroom also lacked some supplies, and the bedroom only had a mattress, but with what the world went through in her time, this place was a haven.

She looked down at the dirtied and bloody gray suit she had been wearing. It had been her only clothes for the past few years, or years that will have yet to happen. Opening a pocket in her utility belt, Eri took out a small black box. Once again, her thoughts went back to Melissa.

'This box might not look like much at first, but I know it'll come in handy many times during your mission. We based it on the quirk belonging to Sako Atsuhiro, Mr. Compress. Inside is a stash of materials you will definitely need. All you have to do is swipe the screen to find what you want and push the button on the marble to release the object. Mind you, it can't go back in one released.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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