Payu's RUTH (part 1) 🙈🫣

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Payu pulls him closer by putting his hands around Rain's waist

Middle of the kiss

Payu : I missed you so much and wanted to taste your sweet lips so badly

They started kissing deeply and Payu was already loosing his control

He carries Rain on his waist

Rain wraps his legs around Payu's waist

He takes Rain to bedroom and soon as they reach the door they start kissing again

Payu drops Rain down and starts kissing his neck

Everything was going so smooth and fine when suddenly Payu starts feeling so weird

He starts breathing heavily and sweats a lot

(In middle of all the work pressure and tension Payu had completely forgotten about his RUTH cycle and when he starts getting the symptoms realisation hits him that his RUTH has occurred)

Suddenly Payu pushes Rain softly and rushes to bathroom and locks it

Rain was confused and tensed as what happened to Payu suddenly

He runs behind him but Payu quickly locks the door of bathroom

Rain starts banging on the door

Rain : Payu what happened to you...???
Respond to me

Payu : Rain you go to your room and sleep there

Rain : But why what happened suddenly

Payu : I cannot come out now...
Please you go to your room...

Rain : Will you explain me properly or shall I break the door now...???

Please come out and tell me what is happening

Payu opens the door

Rain sees him completely sweating and taking heavy breaths

Rain : Omg...!!!
What is happening to you Payu...???

Payu : Baby please don't come close to me...

Rain : Why...???

Rain doesn't listens to him and goes close to Payu

Payu softly pushes Rain

Payu : I said don't come close to me

Rain : Will you please tell me what is happening...???

Payu : My RUTH has occurred so please don't get close to me
I will hurt you...

Rain : What...???
So why are you pushing me away...???

Payu : Baby I will hurt you...
Please go to your room...

Rain : No I will not go anywhere...
Why are you pushing me away...???

Payu : Baby you don't understand...
I have never spend my RUTH with anyone till now

Rain : So what...???
We are married and I am your wife

Payu : I know baby but I don't want to hurt you...

Rain suddenly starts crying

Rain : So you're not ready to accept me as your omega right...???😭

I am married to you and I love you but you still don't want to accept me as your omega 😭😭😭

Payu : Omg....!!!
Baby it's not like that....

You open my heart Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin