But more importantly, I needed to have this conversation with her now.

I'd never been in a relationship before—much less with two guys, which was still blowing my fucking my mind—so I totally understood why she was so desperate to hear back from me. I was desperate to recount all the nasty, slutty, and...sweet details.

Ana: I'm awake. Barely. They fucked the living shit out of me bro. 😭

Aaliyah: wtf??? Did you guys talk?? Can I call you?

Ana: we talked! We're a THROUPLE. Or wait. Maybe not? What's it called when it's just me in a relationship with them but they're not into cock?

Aaliyah: Poly!! You had a threesome?! Call meeeee

Ana: I can't. I'm in bed with them, and they're sleeping. I'm literally only awake rn to tell you that I'm no longer single. 😳 2 gorgeous men fucked me over and over and over, and I'm in looooooove. Whaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuck

Ana: in love and in pain. 😐 Ngl, my pussy probably looks like roadkill


Aaliyah: slightly worried about your vagina, but excited about the rest of what you said!

Aaliyah: Just make sure they're wearing protection! Unless you don't care which one ends up being the baby daddy first 👀 🙃

Ana: 🤨

Aaliyah: omg can you imagine if one of them got you pregnant and you had no idea whose baby it was?! Have you 3 talked about that? Or are they wrapping it up? Birth control isn't 100%

Ana: omg no kids. 🤢 that's alllll you

Aaliyah: ok well you know mom says the women in our family are fertile as fuck. And twins run in the family. So be careful frrrrr. But obv. you know that.

Ana: yeah duh 🙄 but I'll call you tomorrow ok? I love youuuuu! Can't wait to hear about your future in laws. And the stock market! 📈

Aaliyah: love you more! This is so exciting 🥹

Ana: gn ❤️ also plz don't tell mom. Or Daniel.

Ana: or anyone actually 🥲

Aaliyah: 🫡

I put my phone under my pillow and pulled the sheets over me, laying on my back. I stared up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come. I was so fucking tired 10 minutes ago. I would've fallen asleep in seconds, before texting Ana.

But now my heart was racing. My anxiety was spiking. Theo's arm wrapped around me felt...really fucking heavy. Liam's leg wedged between my legs was making me feel hot. Antsy and itchy.


What the fuck was I doing, getting into a relationship with two men?

No, like really? Please explain to me why I decided to spend an entire Friday evening fucking my two best guy friends?

Why the FUCK did I not say anything when Theo fucked me with no condom on earlier?! It was just the one time, yeah. I guess there were no condoms nearby in the living room, I was coming down from an orgasm, and Theo was thinking with his dick.

Plus—what the holy hell. Sex without a condom felt a zillion times better than with one.

Probably why I didn't complain.

But Aaliyah's reminder about the risks of unprotected sex was freaking me the fuck out now. What would I do, if I was the unluckiest woman on the planet, and pre-cum somehow knocked me up, despite my birth control? What would we do?

I'm practically a baby—way too young to be a mom.  I have no interest in being a parent, maybe not ever. I'm not saying I might not change my mind about that at some point, but as of right now, right this second, it was a "hell the fuck no." And obviously there were methods to reverse an unwanted pregnancy... But that shit sounded emotionally heavy, too...

I sat up in bed, gently untangling myself from Theo's arm and Liam's leg. I cradled my face in my hands and shook my head, stressed as all fuck.

Were we moving too fast?

Sure, 98 days of friendship seemed long, when you added in the sexual tension aspect. But really, how much did I actually know them? We were best buds, I enjoyed being around them, and I was comfortable around them. Happy around them.

Realistically, knowing myself and my feelings about relationships, could I really go from being perpetually (and proudly) single...to being a fuck toy for two men? How did we just fucking gloss over the fact that they'd be sharing me?! They just took turns fucking me and eating me out and getting their dicks sucked by me.

They swear they've never done that before. I sure as hell have never done anything like that before. And it just seemed completely normal to them? To us??

And now they wanted me to officially move in?! I mean, I know I was already here all the time... But being actual roommates... What would that mean? Would they treat me like their wife?

Would I be expected to cook 3 course meals and clean and...ok I don't know what else wives do. Wear aprons? Knit? Iron?

Would everything change between us? 

And if so, would it change for the better?

...Or would everything eventually implode horrifically, in the most excruciating way possible?

There Are Worse Things I Could Do (18+)Where stories live. Discover now