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The day was over with, thank god for that. Especially after Sehun attacked and kissed me. He found me after school and forcefully put his lips on mine. I pushed him away but he kissed me again, after that I kicked him and ran away.

After I was far enough I began walking home but something felt off. I don't know what it was but it just felt different.

I made it home 10 minutes later. I walked up to my house and the front door was slightly open. I walked in to the surprise of my life.

My father....

He was rumbling through things and the living room was a mess. I shut the door quietly hoping he wouldn't notice but he did.

“Pranpriya.” He slurred. Oh great, he's drunk.

“Feng.” I spoke. He gave me an uneasy expression.

“That's no way to talk to your father Pran.” He said coming a bit closer to me. I stepped back, I didn't want to be anywhere near this man.

“You aren't my father anymore.” I said and his eyes grew angry.

“Don't talk to me like that!” He shouted.

I flinched and moved further away from him. I never remember him being like this.

“I heard you're dating that celebrity girl, since when are you gay huh?” He asked, disgust laced in his voice.

“I met her 5 and a half months ago and we started dating 2 months after.” I whispered.

“You're not gay. You just haven't found the right boy yet.” He said. He was so close to me I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

“I am gay. I like girls and I love Jennie Kim, she is my girlfriend.” I said confidently to him.

He brought his hand up and slapped me across the face. I cupped my cheek, the hotness from the hit radiating onto my hand.

“No one daughter of mines is gay!” He struggled back into the kitchen.

“Yes, I am Feng! You have no idea because you fucking walked out on us!” I yelled, surprising myself.

“You're a fucking coward, why are you back anyway? We don't need you.” I said and headed for the steps as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Before I could even reach the first step he pulled me by my collar and punched me in the face.

“Who do you think you're talking to?”

He took off his belt and began to whip me.

“You're filthy and disgusting! Stupid dyke!”

He kept throwing insults as he whipped me. He whipped me to the point I could barely feel my legs but I managed to get up and run to my room. I don't know how but I did and locked my door. I barricaded it with the dresser that was in my room.

“Open this door Pran!” He banged.

I just slid down the wall by my bed and cried, hoping he'd go away.

“I'm not done with you Pranpriya, I'll be back.” He said and I heard the front door slam shut.

I grabbed my phone and called Seulgi.

“Monkey, what's…” I cut her off with my sobbing.

“S..Seul... I-I..... need....y-you.” I stuttered.

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