Behind the Glamor - Jacob Elordi

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y/n - your name
f/n - friend name
y/nf - your name pronounced wrong

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As I walked towards that y/n girl she was on her phone. I noticed she seemed to be typing very quickly, and angry? odd.. I stood in front of her, raising a brow. She didn't seem to notice me at first.

"Fuck-" she yelped. I suppressed an eye roll, "ah- sorry" she mumbled as she quickly got up from her chair, and placed her phone on the table. 

"So.. uhm... I need to make the black eye now, correct?" she asked, staring at me. All I did was simply nod. 'Why should I make small talk with my makeup artist?' I think to myself as I sit down on the chair.

I glanced at her getting things ready. I looked beside me, and on the table was her phone, open.. I was never a spy or anything like that but.. it was open on her messages.. and I saw my name written. 'doesn't she know she can't tell anybody about the movie? Is she that unprofessional?' I thought.

I just wanna pull that damn stick out of his ass, after I finished the makeup on him he called me Y/NF.. and when I corrected him he STILL called me y/nf! like wtf?

I read the message and felt a grin form on my face. I glanced at y/n, she seemed to be ready with the setup."Okay I need you to close your eye," She asked me with her soft voice. I would've never guessed she was angry at me, and I did as I was told. She started putting something that felt wet on my right eye.

"You know.. you can't tell anybody you saw me on set right? you'll get fired," I said while smirking. I felt her hesitate when applying whatever she was on my right eye. "I know," She spoke in her smooth light voice, but I could tell she knew I cracked her open. 

"You sure?" I asked as I opened my eyes, staring up at her. She was bent over, close enough for me to smell her sweet scented perfume. I saw a small blush creep over her cheeks, but her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm very sure Mr. Elordi," she said, forcing a smile. "Mmn," I hum as my smirk grows wider. "Now, can you close your eyes?" She said in a tone coated with malice. I closed my eyes and a few minutes passed.

"Alright.. that seems to be it," She said as she put some stuff on the table next to us. I look at the mirror next to me, "Wow.." I let it slip through my mouth, 'It seriously looks like I've been beaten up..' I hated to admit she was crazy good at her job, no wonder they got her on this movie.

"Pretty good right?" She asked, now she was the one with the cocky grin. "Don't get too excited y/nf" I say standing up, towering over the poor girl. She looked up at me with an angry expression, then looked back at her station.

I could've sworn I heard her mutter "ass hole" under her breath. I was about to say something before I stopped myself. I walked back on set, 'wonder what she said..' I thought.

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'Filming is finally over,' I sat on a nearby couch on set while massaging my temples. I looked around, everyone was packing up for the end of the day. My eyes stopped around y/n, she was on her phone again, smiling this time. 'Some teasing won't hurt', I smirk as I walk towards her.

"y/nf", I greet her with a friendly smile. She snaps her head up to look at me, "Jaco- Mr. Elordi," she corrects herself. "What can I do for you?" She says, mimicking my friendly tone. "Oh I was just wondering how I take this off?" I say, pointing to the prosthetic purple eye.

"Oh, just put some rubbing alcohol on it," She says as she turns her attention back to her phone. "Or do you want me to make it permanent?" She says looking back up at me, but just with her eyes, her tone teasing. "Oh? What are you suggesting," I tease back "I'm suggesting-" she was cut off by the director's yelling.

"Alright everybody! Get off set, we're going home. And remember everybody, next time we meet is at the airport!" He yells. I look back at y/n, "Airport..?" She mutters. I look back at her, confused, "you didn't know? we have a trip" I ask, leaning against her station. 

"No.. not really.." she says, biting her thumb nail, looking at everybody packing up. "It wasn't in the email..." she looks back at me. "well.. I guess I didn't read it all, I was too excited.." she says, clearly embarrassed. 

I chuckled, tilting my head. "Oh well, see you in a few days, hope you all packed". I lean down next to her ear "Y/nf.." I whisper in her ear, I look back to see her expression, her face was red, but I wasn't sure if it was from anger or if she was flustered, but I couldn't help but laugh a bit. I began walking away from her, "this was going to be a fun movie to film", I thought.

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