Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Gabrielle Delaney and Isaac Pick had dressed carefully Friday morning. Each wore the approved school uniforms. Gabby had a collection of books on her desk, books provided by the school board and approved for their specialized studies. That didn't stop her from being nervous.

It had been different when she met with Iva Priest. The young woman was Lucy Shay's foster sister and seemed like one of the family. Rhys Shay had brought her out and had sat in the commercial kitchen with a cup of coffee and some cookies while Gabby and Isaac interviewed her.

Iva had specialized in the sciences in college. She was prepared to teach chemistry, biology, history and math in a pinch. Fortunately the one teacher already trying to cover all the subjects would be the math instructor. The two women seemed to get along well, and were sharing one of the teachers' rooms downstairs.

Best of all, Gabby and Isaac both liked Iva. She was cheerful, funny, and attractive. However, considering how her other teaching job had ended, it was obvious she would brook no nonsense from her pupils or anybody else.

It was two minutes after seven when Elijah Pocock arrived. Sean was in the conservatory with the students having breakfast. He spotted the younger man as he was hanging his coat on the long rack in the lobby.

Smaller than Sean, Pocock wasn't attractive in the least, his face pushed in and ears that stuck out like a taxicab with the doors open. Delaney thought he looked like a pug dog. His suit was bottle green houndstooth, his shirt pleated, and he wore a brilliant red and white polkadot bowtie. He made Sean very glad the school required instructors to wear uniforms.

Detective Delaney hurried to intercept the applicant. "Mr. Pocock?"

Elijah extended his hand. "Elijah Pocock. Are you the headmaster?"

Sean laughed lightly. "Not exactly. I'm one of the house parents. Follow me. I'll take you to the headmistress." He didn't bother to introduce himself. No sense making more questions than necessary. If Gabby hired him, she could make further introductions.

He led Pocock through the large open conservatory, explaining as he went. "This is our conservatory. You can see the stage where the pianos are. We have the tables set up right now for meals. There are plans to erect a wall to separate the dining area from the main room. Those doors you see around the room are sound-proofed practice rooms. We have individual lessons there."

Elijah nodded as if he understood what Sean was talking about. "And where are the academic classes held?"

"For now they're in the basement. We have three small classrooms there. Because we have multiple grades, you may only have one or two kids in a class at a time."

"Good. They'll have a better chance of grasping complex ideas with one-on-one classes."

"Our kids aren't dumb, Mr. Pocock. The voice students already have multiple languages, They read and write well. Our academic classes are to satisfy the school board so they can actually graduate with a diploma before they go on to Peabody."

Oh, this was good. It meant Elijah really didn't have to teach the little bastards anything. He could let them act like they were doing something, then give everybody a passing grade. It was tailor-made for someone of his ilk. He smiled at Sean and nodded.

Sean pecked on the door to the small office and pushed the door open. Gabby and Isaac were already there dressed in their "school clothes." Isaac jumped up from the chair where he sat opposite the headmistress. "Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Pick, this is Mr. Pocock. I believe you were expecting him."

"Thank you Sean. Would you make sure the kids clean up in time for assembly please?"

Gawd, he loved that woman. Sean thought it was funny the way she treated him like one of the hired help, knowing it was all for the applicant's benefit. "Certainly, Mrs. Delaney. Call me if you need me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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