Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Dylan Shay drove his brother and family to the train station early Saturday morning. The weather was at least dry, even though the temperatures were still in the forties. Lucy had Tiernan wrapped in blankets and the green bunting that had been passed down from Mary Faith to each successive infant at the bakery.

They didn't have to wait long for the train to Hagerstown to pull in. Lucy climbed into the day coach carrying her son and was greeted by the conductor. "Miss Lucy. I mean Mrs. Shay! And this must be Tobias' grandson."

"It is, Mr. Stewart. Is there a car with any heat today?"

"Is that young husband with you?"

"He's standing behind you," Lucy laughed.

"We've got an empty compartment. Or you can ride in the caboose. We're running light today, so it's just me and the brakeman there."

"Anybody I know?"

"I don't think so. He's fairly new."

Lucy looked past the conductor to her husband. "What do you think, honey?"

"Why don't we go to the compartment? If we need to move, we can think about the caboose. Thank you Mr. Stewart."

"You're welcome Mr. Shay. Come along, I'll show you to your compartment."

The small compartment was warm and cozy. The conductor asked, "We've got

Sweet Mystery Of Life

Sweet Mystery Of Life

almost five hours until we get to Hagerstown. Do you want me to get a berth made up so the baby can lie down?"

"That would be nice, Mr. Stewart," Lucy told him. "Thank you very much."

Stewart disappeared down the corridor, then returned with a Pullman Porter. Lucy thrust Tiernan into his father's arms, and flung herself at the porter. "Mr. Blanchard! It's so good to see you!" Ten years ago when Lucy had been kidnapped, Anthony Blanchard had been instrumental in her rescue.

"I'm glad to see you too, Miss Lucy. And Mr. Shay. Mr. Head told us you were expecting. Is this your little boy?"

Lucy grabbed his hand and pulled him further into the compartment. "Anthony Blanchard, I'd like you to know Rhys Tiernan Shay Junior. We call him Tiernan."

Blanchard reached down and let the baby grab his finger. "Glad to know you, Master Tiernan." He turned back to Lucy. "Mr. Stewart said the young gentleman would like a berth made up."

Rhys answered, "I believe the young gentleman would like that very much, Mr. Blanchard. If you could arrange it please."

The porter made short work of opening the berth and straightening the sheets. Rhys laid his son in the center of the narrow bunk, and began undoing the child from the layers of blankets and bunting and lifting him out.

Anthony Blanchard had watched Rhys as he handled his son with practiced ease. "Mr. Shay, does your brother still have the bakery?"

"His wife does. Don't let her hear you say it's her husband's bakery."

Sweet Mystery Of Life

Sweet Mystery Of Life

"Sorry. Well, I've got some of my own news. I'm getting married come June, and I wanted to talk to someone about getting food brought in. It's going to be at my aunt's house in Louisville, and we can carry the food there on the train. But I want good food from Zofia's. Do you think they'd be willing to do it?"

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