Chapter 2

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MJ stood outside of the hospital, watching people coming and going, Cruise was jumping between the barriers playing a one-man game of the floor is lava. MJ was miles away when a rusted brown pick up truck pulled up in front of her, a German Shepherd hanging out the back yelped and jumped over the side, throwing itself into MJ. "Dante!" Cruise yelled and ran towards MJ and the dog. Dante was MJ's dog; she didn't remember his name but she remembered his smell. His breath was like a hot dog left on a poo and she loved him so much. "Do you remember him?" Cruise asked. "I think I remember him; I remember him barking..." She trailed off, recalling her last memory. The sounds of breaking glass, screaming and barking. MJ didn't know if this was a dream or reality, it was foggy. Her dad jumped out of the truck, with Dante's leash in his hand. A security goblin was approaching them, "that dog better be on a leash right quick or I'm going to have to take him with me." "Settle down, Greg" said another security Goblin, "I know them." "Thanks, Leslie." Said Dad as he grabbed Dante's collar. MJ was saturated with slobber and mud. Leslie glanced down at MJ, "Mary Jane oh my good lord!!" She threw her strong arms around her and picked her up. "I am so happy to see you, I thought you were gone forever my little warrior bird" she said. "I'm sorry do I know you? "MJ said to Leslie which puts tears in her eyes "oh ok MJ I understand", "sorry Leslie, MJ is still under a bit of Amnesia," said mom. Leslie turns and leaves, wiping her nose as she goes. Cruise asked "mom what was that about?" "Oh, cruise didn't see you there" says mom "MJ just didn't remember Leslie or Lee, "said Daniel. "Was I like this? Like forgetting everything?" He turned and looked at MJ. "No, not like this you weren't out as long as her "says Daniel. "You were out for just a month but ..." mom gets interrupted by MJ tugging on her sweater her eyes tell her she wants to go. "Alright kids, everyone in the truck!" mom said "Shotgun!" Cruise shouted as he jumped into the front seat. "Nice try bud, you know the rules." As he slid over the front seat landing in the back in one motion. Dante jumped past MJ and took her seat, she shoved his thick fur over and snuggled into him, fighting to free her seat buckle from his butt. She was finally heading home, with her family, it all felt too easy. The truck pulled in to 155 Saint Sparkle St, Cruise leaned over to MJ. "Are you feeling inspired? Is this place talking to you??" MJ looked out the window at a small white cottage, the brown shutters were worn down on one side from the neighbour's cat Sparky coming and going. MJ Responded "It seems familiar, I remember you, at least I think it was you, either way I didn't know Black pink was supposed to sound so... embarrassing..." MJ nudged him in the ribs. Cruise turned red and leaned in and whispered "shut up" through his teeth. Cruise then announced, "MJ has lost her marbles." MJ giggled to herself and asked mom to put on Black pink. Cruise sunk in his seat. The driveway was muddy, triggering the Bioluminescence in the moss surrounding the house to glow. "Oh, you're kidding me! Looks like Lee was here looking for you already." MJ saw red footprints cross the yard and back into the neighbours. "Who?" MJ asked. Cruise looked at MJ, confused. "Only your best friend", he said. "Oh." MJ looked down; she didn't remember Lee. Dante launched out of Cruises open window and followed the footprints to the base of a tree. "Dante, shut up! You're giving me away!" Said a voice from the tree. MJ opened the door as the truck stopped, she stepped out into the clover and moss yard. It seemed familiar, like a memory but not solid. "Hello?" MJ called towards Dante's barks. "MJ! No Floppin' way!" Lee dropped out of the tree house onto one knee. "Superhero landing!" He yells as he hits the ground like a sack of potatoes. "Oww, my foot..." MJ watched him get up and lumber towards her. "I thought you were gone forever! My mom told me she saw you leaving the hospital! I can't believe it!" Lee grabbed MJ up in his arms and hugged her like she was going to float away. "Hi, you must be Lee?" Lee's face dropped. He put her down slowly. "I mean, hi Lee, it's good to see you... again?" Lee smiled. "So, it's true, my mom said that you didn't recognise her either." Lee said. "I didn't know that was your mom. The Doctors think that the amnesia will wear off as I get used to being at home again. It's all about jogging my memory, they say it's like a muscle." MJ said. "Then you should be back to normal in no time, you're the strongest person I know. Do you remember that time when Dante was getting attacked by those dragons? You grabbed the big one by the tail and used him as a mace to club all the others. It was hilarious!" Lee laughed. "What, me? You're the muscle, I mean look at you?" MJ said, pointing at his flimsy long arms. "Very funny, you haven't lost your awful sense of humour. I was hoping you would come out of the coma with a super power. I have a poll at school going. Everyone thinks you're going to be able to read our minds or levitate or something?" Lee said. "I knew you were going to say that." MJ said smiling, touching her temple with two fingers. "What? No!" Lee exclaimed. "Gotcha sucker!" MJ laughed. She may not have remembered Lee, but she felt safe around him even though he was a bit of an idiot. Lee pointed at the tree, "you'll never believe what's up there!?" MJ looked up; she could see a ladder leading to a tree fort. "Whoa..." MJ's jaw dropped and she stumbled forwards over a root. "Come on" Lee said running toward the tree. "Hold it miss missy!" a voice said from behind. "You need to master the land before you master the sky." MJ's dad said, dramatically flinging his arms in the air. "Have you always been this weird dad?" MJ asked. "Well, your mom thinks I'm cool and she's hot!" MJ's dad said. MJ and Lee looked at each other and dry heaved, "gross!". "I think you better come inside and see your room, there are a few surprises for you." MJ's dad said. "Oh yeah, Juliette!" Lee exclaimed. "What part of surprise didn't you understand Lee?" MJ's dad glared at Lee, "Sorry Daniel... I..." Lee started as Mj started skipping towards the house. "Juliette! Juliette! Juliette! Juliette!" Mj ran up the front stairs, threw open the front door and kicked her shoes off, one hit the wall the other landed in her moms hood. "Juliette!" Mj ran upstairs and rounded the corner to the hall. "Mom, which one is mine again?" MJ yelled. "Third door next to the bathroom, the clean one" She yelled back. "Don't go in my room!" Cruise yelled from downstairs. "I won't, I don't want to get cooties!". MJ walked into her bedroom, now this she remembered. 


1258 words (words don't count after this point) 

2 chapters in one day don't get used to this its not gonna be regular.

Slay the day.


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