𝕿𝕾-19 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖏𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖄.𝕹 (𝖕𝖙.2)

Start from the beginning

Andrea: "he shot his patient in the head. Didn't you?"-she asks him before shane spoke up cutting her off-

Shane: "Woah wait, what about her?"-he gestures to Y/n- "What the hell is she?"-he asked with his arms crossed-

Jenner: "(sighs) Vi playback to Project Y.N.(Author: for example R.O.R.Y)"-he said making the girl's eyes widen hearing her name-

VI: "Playback of Project Y.N."

(Recording) Dr. Candace Jenner: I have made an incredible experiment, we used canine DNA and experimented with both chickens and their eggs, we thought we would make some kind of Wolf/chicken hybrid but instead we got something far more unique, beautiful, and better than mankind."-the woman says with excitement clear in her voice, a small smile plastered on her face-

Dr. Candace: "The others call it Project Y.N."-she says walking up to an incubator opening it and revealing a small baby dressed up in an f/c (favorite color) onesie with ears and a tail-"But I call her... Y/n Jenner, me and my husband decided to raise her here! Oh isn't she the cutest!"-the woman squealed and cooed at the baby girl in her hands-

Lori: "What the-"-she says in confusion and amazement-

Jenner: "VI, play second event."-he said, although he didn't want to show this one-

(Recording)Dr. Candace: "No! Let her go! Let her go!"-she screams at the men grabbing her 11-year-old daughter who was pushing her toward a walker they captured-

Y/n: "Mama!"-the girl yells before screaming bloody murder as the walker bit her on the arm, the men around her let her go with the walker still attached to the young girl-

But in the blink of an eye, the girl had done the impossible, the girl's nails grew sharper, and with a swift move, the walker's head was sliced clean off along with the girl's arm. It was horrible to watch this, especially for the mother of the young girl, Dr. Candace had just watched her sweet little girl decapitate a walker along with cutting her arm that was speedily regenerating itself. (A/n: y/n is not immortal!)

Andrea: "Oh my god."-she says looking towards Y/n, with a look that the girl doesn't know if it's concern or disgust-

Glenn: "No way..."-he says in total disbelief, the others mirroring the same expression-

Y/n: "My mother and other women and men under her lead created me by accident, I was something they didn't expect, the canine DNA gave me the aspects of the wolf and also allowed me to transform into one."-she says facing the group-"Lori already knows what it looks like, I'm real happy she wasn't afraid of me."-the girl says with a smile directed to the woman who smiles back at her-"it had also given me the ability of heighten senses."-the girl says,pointing at her nose and ears-

Y/n: "Does that answer your question?"-she says turning toward Shane and glaring at him-

Jenner: "An experiment made by accident or by a miracle, no one knows the answer to that."-he says looking at the group and then at Y/n giving her a head pat-

Lori: "Why did those men let her get bitten?"-Lori asks with a hint of anger in her voice-"And you just let them?!"-she accuses raising her voice-

Jenner: "I tried to stop them, I did, but I couldn't."-he says looking down at his shoes in shame-

Andrea: "That is sick!"-she says to him with disgust-

Lori: "Oh dear are you ok-"-she starts but is cut off by the girl-

Y/n: "Yes I'm alright, there is no need for pity."-she says looking away from the woman and to her dad-"Dad... That's enough."-she says-

Jenner: "...Alright."-he says, his face softening at his daughter-

Jenner: "VI, power down the main screen and the workstations."-he says walking away from the screen-

VI: "Powering down main screen and workstations."

Andrea: "You have no idea what it is, do you?"-she asks after composing herself, going back to the main topic-

Jenner: "It could be microbial, viral, parasitic, fungal."-he lists off until Jacqui interrupts him-

Jacqui: "Or the wrath of god?"-she says her voice raised-

Jenner: "There is that."-he says looking at her-

Andrea: "Somebody must know something."-she says-"Somebody somewhere."

Carol: "There are others, right? Other facilities?"-she asks, hopeful-

Jenner: "There may be some. People like us."-he says to the woman.

Rick: "But you don't know? How can you not know?"-he says walking to the man-

Jenner: "Everything went down. Communications, Directives-- All of it. We've been in the dark for almost a month."-he says to him-

Andrea: "So it's not just here."-she says to him-"Theres nothing left anywhere? Nothing? That's what you're really saying, right?"-she asks him-

-Jenner is silent which makes Andrea scoff and Rick look at him in disbelief-


A/n: hi everyone (●’◡’●)ノ, sorry this is late I kinda got a bit lazy but anyways don't worry I will make sure I finish pt. 3 soon, sorry to make all of you wait.

Words (plus note) :1257

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