4 | a fixed number of paths

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mizu was on the floor as taigen was in front of her, he heard bells getting closer and closer and when he turned around he got slammed onto the floor which also has a indent to it

"get off of my master!"
"what did you do to him?"

"not me, not me! the fangs"

ringo and (m/n) turned around to see their master on the floor passed out

"master no"

(m/n) then picked up mizu with ease and her sword fell from her unconscious hand
ringo then turned to taigen
"don't touch him"

small silence was filled until taigen spoke again
"there's a shrine up the mountain, he'll be safe there"
he grabbed mizu's sword and started walking

a while has passed by, it was pretty dark and (m/n) notice that mizu's slowly waking up but then went back unconscious

taigen, ringo and (m/n) made it to the shrine and placed mizu onto the floor to let her rest quietly

-the next day-

ringo started to stitch up her wounds as it was pretty bad and deep then he started to make soup
taigen just standing watching everything near the door

"making soup now?"
"medicine, it will heal him"

taigen got closer
"it better. if he dies, you and the other die too"

where's (m/n) you ask?

well he's outside at the snow looking at his hands wondering if those punches he did really caused people to fly away

the more he thought, the more he started to remember


little (m/n) was running around in his town laughing with his friends

he had many friends

many people loved him

even animals

his smile lit up an entire dark room if he wanted to

but not everything can be all fun and wonderful

as little (m/n) was eating his 8th bowl of food
someone slapped it away from his hands as it now fell onto the floor

"haha, are you really all that special? i mean who even likes you anyway"

little (m/n) just looked up at another boy who was standing in front of him
he was slightly older, more taller and more stronger

well of course he's strong


(m/n) didn't say anything because he was now looking at the food that is on the floor

"you dropped my food."

"good because maybe now you'll stop eating like such a pig"

the boy that was making fun of (m/n) didn't just make fun of him because he's bad


he was just jealous

envied him

getting mad that his parents would give him attention, affection towards (m/n) even when he just wanted to eat and of course they also gave him food

it's like (m/n) had a spell on people causing him to get everything he wanted when he asked

little (m/n) stood up and faced the boy

"i'm not a pig"

"rightt, keep telling yourself that piggy but just because you didn't have any parents doesn't mean you can take all of ours and eat all of our food"

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