Chapter Zero

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A man had been walking in the rain for a while, and as he trudged forward, a sudden wave of tiredness washed over him, causing a yawn to escape his lips. The sound of the yawn was almost lost amidst the incessant pitter-patter of the raindrops that fell heavily on the cement pathway and his umbrella. He continued to walk, his steps heavy and deliberate, as he navigated through the rain, lost in his thoughts.

The man was no taller than six and a half feet if you exclude the bony horns on top of his head, which oddly looks like the word "HI". Anyways he had long dark brown hair that drooped down to his nose and the bottom of the back of his neck. He wore a simple suit, a white button-up shirt with a black tie, and a black coat going over his shoulders but his arms weren't in the sleeves. On his face, he had stubble that made him look like he hadn't shaved in weeks. But what stood out second to his horns, was an eye patch on the right side of his face.

Soon his steps came to a halt as he slowly panned his eyes down to a crack in the road. He looked around and saw nothing but grassy Plains, the road he was on, telephone poles, and a tree far off to his left. He kneeled and looked at the crack in the road.

"Someone fell here. And they cut their hand on the higher part of the crack... hmm... judging by the scent..."

The man rose from where he had been kneeling and turned his gaze towards a tree in the distance. His face, which had previously been displaying an expression of disinterest, slowly transformed into one of concern. As he fixed his attention on the tree, his eyes narrowed ever so slightly and his brow furrowed with worry. It was as if he had suddenly noticed something that had previously escaped his notice, and he was now carefully scrutinizing the object of his attention.

"A fiend..."

As he stood there, his lips parted slightly, and a whisper escaped them, barely audible in the stillness of the surroundings. The man's eyes were fixed on a distant tree, towering majestically against the clear blue sky. With slowed steps, he began his trek towards the tree, his feet sinking into the lush green grass with every stride. As he got closer, he could make out that it was an oak tree, with its gnarled branches reaching out in all directions, providing a haven for the birds that should be nested in its canopy.

As the man got closer to the tree he saw a girl, nearly 17 if he had to guess, she wore nothing and looked like she had been living in the wild for months on end. She was breathing softly, she was sleeping. Until the man had stepped on a root of the tree, which altered the girl. She quickly got to her feet, formed a knife out of blood, and lunged at the man who had been approaching slowly and silently. In reaction to this sudden attack from the girl he simply stepped out of the way.

"Hi there. My name is Ozzie, what's yours?" The man asked calmly as if the knife almost didn't cut his gut open.

The girl responded, but not a regular response to that question. "Kill! Blood! Fight!"

The sighed, almost annoyed after easily avoiding every one of her attacks. "Now then I ask of you little miss, calm down." Ozzie's hand rose slowly just as she was about to stab his face...


...a giant ribcage suddenly appeared out of thin air behind the girl and trapped her inside after the ribs closed around her, but they didn't cut her. She tried to break out but to all her best efforts, she couldn't move her upper body at all.

"Hm, ... a fighter, eh? You could help the division." The man said under his breath. "Let me out now!" The girl screamed in rage towards Ozzie. "I will. Just let me ask you a question." The eyepatch-wearing individual said in a calm and soft voice. "Let me ou-" "Shut it." She quickly quieted down after his outburst. "Oh, sorry... not a people person. Now my question. Do you want to be fed a hot meal every day, have clothes on your back, and have a warm room, or do you want me to kill you? Here and now?"

The girl froze up in fear after looking into Ozzie's eyes, they looked focused but soft, however, she didn't trust that so she stayed silent. But a growl came from her stomach which surprised the man, so he sighed. He lowered his hand and the ribcage vanished as fast it had appeared. She fell down but quickly got back up. She didn't see Ozzie and was confused until something warm and soft was put over her shoulders. Hell, it was so big it was almost a blanket for her. She turned around to see Ozzie holding the umbrella out over her head and the rain was soaking him. Then she saw his smile, it was soft and warm, just like the jacket she wore, if not, even more than the jacket.

"Come on. We got somewhere to go." He said in a gentle tone, but it was loud enough to hear over the downpour. Slowly they walked toward the road without a word being said between the both of them. "I... I have no name." The girl said. The man turned to her and smiled once more. "How does Power work?" The man asked calmly with an eyebrow raised. "Power works!" She said loudly which he chuckled to. "Well, I think you'll like it with the others at the Bureau."







What Ozzie look like so that I don't have to paint a picture later on

Also, I kinda want a theme song for him but I can't decide so I'll let you all do it(if you want)

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Also, I kinda want a theme song for him but I can't decide so I'll let you all do it(if you want)

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