36 • Hot Reaction

Start from the beginning

But this wasn't Liberty Ballet, and I certainly wasn't Celeste. This was supposed to be fun. The sound of the cheers from the audience told me everyone was having a great time.

Or...were they just being nice? Clapping because our family and friends were here to support us, not because they were truly enjoying themselves. I couldn't let that thought get into my head. Not now.

"Yeah, but you rallied, just like a leader is supposed to do," I told him, rubbing at a bead of sweat as it fell down the side of his face. "All the guys followed your improv. It was great."

Dominick gave me a half smile that didn't touch his eyes, and I could tell he was distracted. I knew something was on his mind tonight because, at rehearsal, he didn't miss a step.

I pressed my lips together, knowing what it was. He wasn't okay with all of this. The changes to the club. A knot formed in my throat, making it impossible to swallow around, and my grip on his neck loosened as I slid to the floor.

Dominick's arm remained around my waist, not letting me move, holding me tight to him while his other hand came to rest on my chin, guiding my gaze back up to his face.

The force of his full attention was like nothing I'd ever experienced. Being with him was like dancing on center stage. He always made me feel like the star of every moment we had together.

"I just can't wait to have you all to myself. For this show to be over so I can be the only one looking at your body," he rasped, lips finding the soft side of my neck and making me melt from the inside out. Coaxing that dull ache I always had for him into a more present, demanding desire. "Fucking you just the way you like it."

"Same," I said, urging his lips lower until they were just above the low neckline of my dress. Feeling his hot breath on my skin.

I wanted him to drown out all the negative shit swirling around in my head until the only sound I could hear was him moaning my name and the slap of our bodies wringing the last bits of pleasure from each other.

A moan escaped my lips as both his hands cupped my ass, and he lifted me back up, pressing me against his hardening length. Pressing our bodies tight together. "I could take you right here. Right now. Behind all these curtains. Give my good girl what she needs."

Heat pooled in my core, and he almost had me turning around and lifting the short hem of my dress for him, but unfortunately, Lucas appeared over Dominick's shoulder, wearing a half grin.

"We've got company," I said, sliding out of his grip. Dominick groaned in annoyance. I ran my hand down his bare chest. Over the places covered in red rose tattoos and thick thorned vines.

"Break a leg."

His thumb grazed my lower lip. "Later. We'll finish this later."

Despite Dominick's promise, I spent the rest of the night with my stomach in knots until it was time for our dance. When the music started, and it was our turn, I closed my eyes before walking out on stage, telling myself that no one else was watching, that it was just Dominick and I, but as I stepped out into a beam of blue light, I realized I couldn't block out the people.

He appeared across the stage in a loose button down shirt and joggers, and the crowd reacted. Whistles, then someone shouted my name, likely Maren, which made me smile.

I'd practiced this dance a hundred times on stage and countless more inside my head each night. I knew what to do and exactly when to do it.

The water inside the shallow pool was cool, sending goosebumps up my legs and over my arms. I swayed my hips, walking toward Dominick slowly. Each step deliberate. He watched me with narrowed, hungry eyes.

The crowd got quiet as we began our routine, but the tension in the room rose when I arched back in Dominick's arms, and he lowered me carefully to the ground. My hair and the back of my dress soaking up cool water.

For a beat, I stared up at him, in all his glory, as he raked a hand through his hair. The lights illuminated his body, shadowing his muscles. His fist clenched. Veins in his arms thick.

This was the move that drove him back to dancing. The move that drove him to me.

I spread my legs into a full straddle and pushed myself off his thighs, sliding backward across the wet stage. My ass landed against the lip of the shallow pool and I flipped my damp hair back. The crowd went feral. Cheering and clapping.

I kept my eyes on Dominick as he stalked over to me and pulled me to my feet, just in time to lift me onto his shoulders like it was the easiest thing in the world.

I felt free in his arms, and I fed off the reaction from our friends. In this intimate setting, I could hear every shout over the music, and it made my heart soar. This wasn't the polite clapping of a ballet. This was raucous, wild energy, and I loved it.

But were they doing it because they loved the dance, or because they just wanted to support me? Dominick's fingers dug into my ass, signaling he was about to drop me, and I pushed the thought aside. Needing to finish what we started.

The dance ended with our lips inches apart, both of us dripping wet and breathing heavy, then the stage lights went black.

After our dance was over and we all came out for a final time to take a bow, our family and friends were on their feet, shouting for an encore that we didn't have planned. I turned to Dominick, squeezing his hand so tight, and he smiled back at me.

"You did good," he mouthed.

I couldn't stop my own smile. "We did good," I corrected him. We did it. Together. The way I always envisioned this dance.

My gaze shifted back to the audience, finding Blanche right in the front. She was on her feet, but she wasn't clapping. She was chatting with Ronnie, who was beside her, along with Rhonda and Flo.

Nerves twisted away, making me feel sick. She didn't like it. I just knew it.

As soon as we were off the stage, I rounded up all the dancers and threw my arms around each of them in turn. "You should be so proud of yourselves," I told them. Even if Blanche wasn't happy, the guys pulled off an amazing performance. "You worked so hard, and it really paid off tonight."

"If we looked good, then that's all on you and the chick who waxes me," Big Nick replied, and we all laughed. Everyone except my boyfriend, who was standing beside me with his arms crossed.

Dominick cleared his throat, and everyone's attention snapped to him. "Tan's right. And as much as I hate to agree with Nick, he is too. I know I wasn't on board with her taking over the choreography at first."

"You can say that again," Todd said under his breath.

The rest of the guys chuckled. Meanwhile, I was barely daring to breathe. He hadn't told me he was going to give a speech afterward.

"Shut it, Todd," Dominick retorted, and the dancer fell silent. He continued, casting a long look at me. "Despite my attitude, she really showed up for us and the club, and we owe her a hell of a lot."

He turned to me, taking my hands in his. I wondered if this was it. If he was going to tell me that he loved me right now. That despite the fact that he'd hated me at first, I won a place in his heart. I looked up at him with hope in my eyes.

"I'm glad you were such a damn pain in my ass, twinkle toes. And that you never gave up on me or these guys, even when you were exhausted. I couldn't have done this without you."

I tried not to be disappointed. It wasn't I love you, but maybe this was as close as I was going to get.

Maybe I love you wasn't something he was ready to say. Or, maybe it wasn't something he felt for me.

Even though I was disappointed, I tried not to let it show. I was happy. Having him in my lie was enough. And if he didn't love me because loving people was tough for him, then I'd have to be content with that. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt, though.

I quickly excused myself, feigning needing to go to the bathroom, slipped on a pair of shoes, and snuck out the back door. Closing it behind me and pressing myself against the cold metal.

Only to find Blanche smoking a cigarette alone. 

Dance For Me (Strip in the City, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now