The boy grinned at her, while Harry stood with his mouth agape in surprise of how Ariadne handled the situation. He made a mental note to praise her later.

''Well, I know that I'll play Quidditch for my house. Father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my house, and I agree. Do you know what house you'll be in yet?''

''Not really.'' Ariadne answered the only things she could. She was lucky that Dumbledore bought her a book named Hogwarts: A History. There were many things written that she didn't completely understand yet, but had the grasp of Quidditch and the Four Houses of Hogwarts.

''Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they, but I know I'll be in Slytherin, all our family have been – imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?''

''Mmm,'' said Harry, wishing he could say something a bit more interesting.

''I don't personally mind Hufflepuff but I think that's the least house I belong in.''

''That's it little miss. Now it's your friends turn.'' Madame Malkin stopped the two from conversing any further and motioning Harry to step on the footstool.

''Look at that man!'' the boy suddenly said, nodding towards the front window. Much to Harry and Ariadne's surprise it was Hagrid standing in front of the shop, who held to two large ice-creams in his hands. Ariadne had the fleeting thought of leaving Harry to fend for himself, but decided against it, in case she had to save him during his conversation with the other boy.

''That's Hagrid,'' said Harry, pleased to know something the boy didn't. ''He works at Hogwarts.''

''Oh,'' the boy said. ''I've heard of him. He's sort of a servant, isn't he?''

''He's the gamekeeper,'' Harry answered, liking the boy less and less every second.

''I heard he's sort of a savage – lives in a hut on the school grounds.''

''I think he's brilliant.'' said Harry coldly.

''Do you?'' the boy sneered at Harry. ''Why is he with you? Where are your parents?''

''They're dead'' Harry answered. Ariadne frowned, knowing how life is without parents.

''Oh, sorry,'' he said, not sounding genuine at all. ''But they were our kind, weren't they?''

Ariadne frowned and had a very good idea of what he asked about. Fortunately, Harry didn't. He just answered the best way he could. ''They were a witch and a wizard, if that's what you mean.''

''I really don't think they should let the other sort in, do you? They're just not the same, they've never been brought up to know our ways. Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they got the letter, imagine. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families. What's your surname, anyway?''

Before Harry could answer, Madam Malkin interrupted them. ''That's it, you're done, my dear.'' Harry, looking relieved hopped down from the footstool.

''Well, I'll see you at Hogwarts, I suppose.'' the grey-eyed boy said. ''And you?''

Ariadne was lost in her thoughts, thinking about the two boys conversation. ''Me?''

''I'll wait for you outside.'' Harry said, leaving the shop frowning.

But the grey-eyed boy called out to her once more. ''Yes. What's your name?''

He extended his hand to her, which she shock politely. ''I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.''

''Like the constellation.'' she smiled and then imitated Draco. ''I'm Soleil. Ariadne Soleil.''

''I suppose we'll see each other at Hogwarts?''

''Most likely.'' she nodded and left the store. Hagrid handed her the towering ice-cream with chocolate and raspberry with chopped nuts.

''You were brilliant, Ariadne.'' Harry praised her, while they made their way to get their wands.

''Thanks. I've learned a thing or two in my lifetime.'' she smiled. ''Oh, and I'll fill you in, about all Quidditch and all the Houses stuff later, ok?''


''Just yer wand left – oh yeah, an' I still haven't got yeh a birthday present.''

''It's your birthday, Harry?'' Ariadne asked, almost accusingly. ''You should've said that before. I can't buy you any gifts, but Happy Birthday Harry.''

''Thank you. You don't have to buy me anything. What about you? When's your birthday?''

''13th of August.''

''Don' worry, I also got yeh a present, youn' Ariadne.''


Harry laughed at her reaction.

''Tell yeh what, I'll get yer an animal. Not a toad, toads went outta fashion years ago, yeh'd be laughed at – an' I don' like cats, they make me sneeze. I'll get yer an owl. All the kids want owls, they're dead useful, carry yer mail an' everythin''

The trio headed to Eeylops Owl Emporium. The shop had owls and supplies to care for them. It was relatively small, and dark inside. But Ariadne figured that because owls were nocturnal birds, it didn't bother them. Many different colors and species of owls hung in cages, watching Harry and Ariadne.

A beautiful, snowy owl looked at Harry, intrigued by him. ''I think she likes you, Harry.''

''Yer can have her, if yer want, Harry.'' Hagrid reassured Harry. ''What 'bout yer, Ariadne?''

She hummed, scanning through the different owls, until one caught her attention. ''This one is beautiful.''

The owl was medium brown spotted with buff and white feathers on the upperpart. The face was pale with yellow eyes accentuated by black outlines and its breast was heavily streaked with brown. The pale underwing had a dark comma-shaped mark near the wrist.

''Good, I'll get him for yer.''

When they left, Harry and Ariadne carried their respective large cages with their owls. They couldn't stop thanking Hagrid.

''Don' mention it yer two,'' Hagrid said. ''Just Ollivanders left now – only place fer wands, Ollivanders, and yeh gotta have the best wand.''

A magic wand... 

This was what Ariadne and Harry had been really looking forward to.

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