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It's been seven months since my soul transferred into another body. I have learned how to adapt well in this newfound place. Opposite to how I usually lived before, I am now living a humble life on the countryside with my 'grandmother'. Aside from originally not being here, I found no other extraordinary stuff I expected for me to experience.

However, I sometimes notice strange auras somewhat far from where we are right now. But I chose to be an ignorant. That's not something I should worry about.

Or so I thought.

While I'm out running for some errands, I felt the same strange aura nearby this time. I am walking on a bridge that connects the land since it was separated by a river. The aura did not disappear even though it was already over twenty minutes.

I looked around to see if others noticed it as well, but it was only me who looked constipated.

The others continued with their day as usual. Meanwhile, I am doubting my whole existence right now due to the overwhelming presence I am feeling somewhere not too far from the river.

Then, out of nowhere, an explosion erupted. It was a long burst of flames... and it hit my hometown.

Huh... my hometown? The... house? Grandma?

My eyes widened upon the realization, yet the fear overpowered all of my senses. It tells me not to move, or else I would also die.

From where I was, I saw two figures seemingly battling each other. A man with a striking white hair, and an unknown creature that looks like a walking volcano with one eye. Those two were like ticking bombs.

While they were fighting for I don't know and I don't give a damn, they were oblivious to the damages they caused. Because not only the whole humble village burnt into crisps, I saw my grandmother... the only one who cared for me genuinely... the one I considered as my guardian... looking so frail and hurt. Her half burnt body was enough to send me into madness.

It was only seven months.

But during those short days, I felt alive and free with her.

But those two selfish pricks with their plays destroyed what I only had.

Before passing, my grandmother grabbed me and used every ounce of her life to tell me an important information.

"My dear grand daughter, you are so full of wisdom and compassion," she says with a hoarse voice, "Even when this old woman perishes, you shall never change the way you are right now... you are my pride and joy," she added, sending the both of us in a crying mess.

"Don't say something like that, granny! I will take you to the hospital. Hang on a little longer, will you?" I tried to stifle my sobs, yet my eyes betrayed me. "We haven't explored the big cities you told me about. Don't leave your dumb grand daughter alone!"

I heard her sigh, and during her final moments, she revealed a crucial information that I never thought about.

"I believe you can get through with this, dear. The future that awaits you is like a rose; you may come across a thorny path, but once you get to the finish line, a beautiful rose would welcome you." She said.

Before closing her eyes, she whispered, "You must... master your curse technique... as soon as you can..."

That's what I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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