Chapter 4: GrandMamah

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Ruben opened the door to see (y/n) stood there with her fist up, ready to knock.

His eyes widened in suprise before he looked behind him and stepped out, shutting the door behind him. "Oh. (y/n), hey." Ruben leant against the door frame and fixed his hair.

"Hey, Ruben. I came to check on you. Are you doing alright?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah, it was totally fine. Nothing went wrong." He dismissed and played it cool.

"So, the library wasn't destroyed by you?" She teased.

Ruben deflated and sighed. "It was a total mess. I completely freaked." He answered honestly.

"I mean, who wouldn't?" (Y/n) shrugged.

Ruben looked left and right to see if the street was clear before grabbing the girl's hand. "I need your help."

"With what exactly?" She replied, unsure on where this was going.

"I need to find my uncle. I'm finally going to get answers, and I want to learn about the Kraken. Will you come with me?" He requested.

"But it you run around outside, you'll be caught. You do realise that Gordon is looking for you, right? Well, the Kraken anyway." She informed

"Please, (y/n). I really need to do this." He pleaded and grabbed her other hand.

She thought for a second and looked down towards the water. "Alright. Lead the way." She gave in.

"Thank you." Ruben sighed with relief and pulled the girl down the cobbled paths.

The two nearly ran into Gordon's vehicle, and Ruben turned around, hiding his face from the older man.

"Lock your doors!" Gordon instructed over the loudspeaker, not seeing the two teenagers. "The Kraken has returned!"

Once he passed by them, the two ran towards the railings. "Brill?" Ruben called out.

"Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?" He whispered to himself.

(Y/n) looked to the left to see another pathway. "Maybe he's on the other side?" She suggested.

"Let's go check." Ruben pulled her along.

The teenagers made their way through an alleyway and onto the other side but still saw no sign of his uncle.

Ruben sighed in defeat as he looked down. (Y/n) gave him a sympathetic look and rubbed his back with comfort.

Suddenly, someone's screams could be heard, and the two looked over to see a man being attacked by seagulls.

(Y/n) and Ruben glanced at each other and then made their way towards the blue man.

"Get off me, you feathery demons." Brill yelled. The seagulls squawked as they pecked him. "Ow! You winged dopes."

"Ow, hey, Hey. Save yourself. It's too late for me!" He held a corn dog above the pile of birds as he called out to Ruben and (y/n).

Ruben grabbed the corn dog and threw it away, which caused the birds to chase after it and fly away from Brill. "Forget the corn dog!"

"Did you see that? They took my Snack-Stick!" He whined.

Ruben grabbed Brill's face and held it at eye level. "Uncle Brill, focus. I need to know." He said sternly.

Brill kept his mouth sealed closed and nodded. "Who sent you here?" His nephew questioned.

The man looked over Ruben's shoulder to see (y/n) stood right there. He gasped, and the biggest smile appeared on his face.

"Is that your girlfriend?! Oh, my little nephew Ruben found somebody!" He practically shouted and squealed, ignoring Ruben's previous question.

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