Chapter 3: Kraken

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There was a crowd of students that had formed in a large circle.
They all clamoured as they surrounded a certain someone.

Ruben dragged (y/n) through the commotion by her hand and the two made their way to the front.

"The new girl saved Conner." Someone said

(Y/n) overhead the conversations that were going on around them. "Saved Conner? I saved Conner." She furrowed her brows and whispered to Ruben

"Who are they talking about?" He asked

"I'm not sure. I can't really see anything either."

The crowd continued to talk amongst themselves. "She's a hero!"

Margot's head then popped up in front of the two teenagers. "Ruben, (y/n), there you two are."

"You missed the story of the year! Conner almost drowned!" She informed

Ruben held his hands up. "I didn't mean to! I mean I-I didn't do it."

He let out a loud, nervous laugh and folded his arms. "Gosh, that's crazy."

He put his hands on his hips and nodded. "And surprising. Because it definitely didn't have anything to do with me." He laughed again.

"I've been with (y/n) this whole time. Right?" He asked the girl.

" were."
(Y/n) nudged the boy's shoulder and gave him a look, which made him quiet down.

"Are you feeling alright? Why are you wet?" Margot asked as she gave him a weird look.

Ruben then looked over Margot's shoulder to see Conner sat on the edge of the fountain with a towel over his shoulders.

He gasped and pulled (y/n) along by her arm. The two walked over to Conner.

"Conner! Are you okay?" Ruben asked guiltily

Conner coughed before speaking. "Yeah, it was crazy. I just remember that there was smoke and glitter."

(Y/n) and Ruben glanced at each other

"Then the next thing I knew. I was saved by the new girl." He told them.

"The new girl?" The two said in unison.

"The new girl." A girl with red hair, a turquoise crop top, blue sparkly jeans, a choker around her neck and hoop earrings, introduced herself.

Ruben gave her an incredulous look whereas (y/n) squinted her eyes as she identified the girl to be a mermaid instantly.

"Thank you. Thank you." She thanked the crowds sweetly.

"Whoo! New girl." A boy cheered.

A girl was holding a sign that read 'applause'. "Shh, she's going to say something."
She then shushed the crowd and flipped her sign to now say 'silence'.

The crowd quietened down and the red-haired girl began speaking.

"Picture this. Me, stunning but approachable, on my first day of school." She began walking down a set of stairs, which were just students stacked on each other.

A boy giggled when Chelsea stepped on him.

"I'm lost and confused, struggling to find my first class. When suddenly." She then gasped.

"I spot mister skater boy here barely above water." She sat next to the male and poked his face.

"Oh-I'm just lucky that..." Conner was cut off

"Oh, shush, shush. Ooh. My story." She held a finger to his lips

"Now, I'm not much of a swimmer, but in that moment..." She began climbing the large statue on the fountain.

Ruby Gillman: Teenage KrakenWhere stories live. Discover now