Chapter 1

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Pov Morrigan

Since Squall helped me cure the hollowpox I have been feeling wrong. I mean, I already asked for his help before, but now I actually agreed to be his apprendice. It is like I agreed to be on his side and join what ever evil plans he has...

-Mog?!--Screams Jupiter--Were you listening?

-What? Sorry Jupiter. Its just...Lately I've been feeling off

-Morrigan you did what you had to do. Squall may have helped you to destroy the hollowpox, but you are still here. As weird as it looks he didn't ask for anything from you in return yet. I don't think he will come back and demand you to be his apprendice Mog.

Well, this was very comforting, but actually what has been bothering me is that I actually wanted to be his apprendice. I want to learn more about my powers, I want to actually be able to do what Ezra Squall can do. I want to be respected, and this is the thing that has been bothering me. Knowing that he actually might be right and that I actually look like him, that I am evil.

I don't intend to tell this to Jupiter, because he seems like the only one who has hope on me. I feel like if my friends discover that I have signed to be the apprendice of the "most cruel man that has ever lived" they wouldn't be so friendly with me

-I just have to warn you Mog, be careful. I don't know what Squall will tell you, but he is not worth of your trust. You have to remember that he does not care about you because you are you, but because you are part of his plans

-I know Jupiter. I just feel that I souldn't have done that

Correction: I am certain that I souldn't have done that. But that is just my reasonable voice talking. In fact, I actually wanted to be his apprendice. There is a hunger inside of me that says more, that wants to call Squall now and demand the begining of our lessons, and what worries me more is that this voice has a bigger place in my thoughts than the other one


Pov Jupiter
Latelly I have been seeing Morrigan becoming more and more quiet. Since she signed that apprendiceship contract with Squall she hadn't been talking that much, and I fear what her thoughts can be. If I wasn't a wittness I wouldn't affirm this so certainly, but Mog is really ambitious.
I don't know how much she is hidding from me, but I can see that she is excited to actually learn with Squall. I am trying to not worry a lot about it. Trying to pretend to her that I am not worried, and that this is normal, because what could a society of hundreds of years teach that Ezra Squall, the wundersmith, couldn't teach better?

-Mog?!--I screamed--Were you listening?

-What? Sorry Jupiter. It is just...Lately I've been feeling wrong

-Morrigan, I know you feel like you've done the wrong choice, but I knew that sooner or later you would accept to be his apprendice. I mean don't get me wrong, but what can the Wunderous Society, that has a total of 0 wundersmiths, if we don't count you of course, could teach you?

I actually lied, and I don't feel safe knowing my little Mog will be on Ezra's hands. I don't trust him, and I don't feel Morrigan should trust him either


Hey guys, I started reading a series of books called nevermoore and I am absolute in love with it. Since the new book will only premier on 09/2024 then I wrote what I think it will happend on it, hope you like it

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