Chapter 1 : I'm Dead.

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Getting inside the elevator, you decided to try the new restaurant and just dine in. Now you're all alone, it seems like the thoughts from this morning are coming back into your head again. It hurts at times to remember things you don't want to. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.

You knew he was going to die. So why does it hurt so badly? He isn't even real in the first place. Is it because he's your favourite character? Is it because he was someone that you look up to? Is it because he remind you of h–


The elevator doors open once it reaches the ground floor. You step out of the elevator and went on your journey to the restaurant.

As you walk off, you take out your phone to check for notification that you might have missed.

None. Zero. Damn you really need more friends. The only number you have are your grandpa, some co-workers, your boss and her. Why do you even keep her number? It's not like she ever wanted you. She was the one who abandoned you . Just left you to your grandparents as if you were nothing. Just the thought of her brings shivers down your skin. How are you still afraid of her? She was gone.

You turned off your phone and just looked into the distance. Man, why is this place so far? You would off reach to the restaurant by no-


You heard a woman scream for a boy on the side road. You saw a boy in the middle of the road picking up his toy, a car coming close. Your eyes widen. You couldn't move.

Everything was going so fast, yet so slow. You don't know why, why, just why everyone was just staring. Everyone was seeing the event unfold and was not moving or even doing anything to help the boy get off the road. Why was everyone not trying to save the boy? Why are they just watching? Why are they not even trying to save him? Why were they just standing and some even dare to record it. Why was everyone so selfish?


Aren't you the same?
You moved. Your legs are moving to the boy, you were running to him and you don't know why. Was it to save the boy? Was it because no one is doing it? Was it to be a hero? Are you scared the boy might die? Aren't you scared you might get hit instead of the boy? Aren't you scared? Was it to try changing something?

You don't know.

You aren't thinking, you aren't thinking straight. Your heart was beating fast, you couldn't hear the screams of people that tried to stop you from saving the boy, everything seemed muffled. Just to save you and not the boy. Even if you heard them, you wouldn't stop. You reached for the boy and pushed him off the road.

As fast as it seemed, you can't help but feel as if time was slowed. The car now nearing you. You couldn't move away to save yourself. You couldn't move away to avoid death.

They say that when you're about to die, time slows down and all you could think about are the memories that you had made. But you? You weren't sure why but all you could think about are your regrets and those harsh memories. Memories that you avoid, memories of your childhood. But it seems like it just comes to haunt you, even when you're about to die.

It hits you, you feel as if something was dripping off your head. It was probably your blood. Your whole body was aching, hurting, you couldn't move. You seem to have been lying on the cold road. Everything was spinning, you can't see anything except for moving shadows. You can't hear the screams of people. All you could hear were something ringing and muffled voices.

'Is this what dying feels?' you thought.

This was probably what your grandma felt like in her dying moments.

'It hurts'

'Everything hurts'

'Im sorry grandpa'

'I'm sorry I have to leave you'

You feel something else dripping, your tears.

'I don't want to die'


Your eyelids are getting heavy. You close your eyes, tired of staying awake. You wish to live longer but if you haven't saved the boy, he would have died in your stead.

'Give me another chance..'

Before you were able to fall out of consciousness. You heard a voice. Not being able to know where it came from noor knowing who's voice it was.

"As you wish, love.."

note ; how was it?? :D

A Chance To Change // COD MWII x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant