I got her ready for school and then myself. Her bus came and she left. I decided I would walk to school today and get some fresh air.

It's been 3 days and I still miss Jennie. I miss her sparkling feline eyes, the little freckles on top of her nose, that smile, those lips, God those lips. I miss her warmth and the way she held me. I miss everything about her and it's only been 3 days. She has such an affect on me.

I've never met anyone like Jennie before. I guess, in a weird way, I have to thank Nancy for that. If she hadn't of slapped me that day I probably wouldn't have met the girl of my dreams.

I walked into school, no one bothered to mess with me, it feels extremely good not to be picked on anymore.

I saw Seulgi at her locker, she had headphones in. Looks like it's time to scare her. I walked up behind her quietly, not that she would be able to hear me anyway, and grabbed her shoulders roughly. She jumped, startled. I laughed so hard I was close to tears.

“Shit! monkey what the hell! Next time you do that you'll get poly beat down I swear.”

I clutched my stomach from laughing, she pushed me and I almost fell over.

“You should've seen your face!” I laughed she just glared at me.

Her boyfriend Hanbin came up behind and did a shushing motion with his finger.

“Boo!” He yelled and she jumped again.

“Ugh!” She punched him in the shoulder.

“What's up with you guys trying to scare me today?” We both toppled over laughing.

“Trying? More like succeeding!” I gave Hanbin a high-5 and Seulgi was still glaring.

The bell rang for first period. I jetted off to class.

“Bye Bear, bye Hanbin!” I yelled going down the hall.

I walked into first period and got a few smiles. It was nice. I looked at the board and started on the work that was written there.

Lunch came around faster than expected. I walked to my usual table where Seulgi and Hanbin sat, along with a few more jocks, one being Hanbin's cousin, Sehun.

“Hey Lisa.” He greeted with a smile.

“Hi.” I faked smiled back.

“You look hot.” He said and winked.

I rolled my eyes and sat by Seulgi. She was in a heated discussion about Beyoncé with Hanbin. He apparently think she's overrated and she's literally going ham on him.

Sehun keeps eyeing me like a piece of meat, it's so annoying. It kind of sucks that I still have no friends at school except for Seulgi and Hanbin.

I'll just text Jennie.

ME: how's your day babe?

Not even a minute later she replied.

PLANET FELINE EYES💕💍: It's better now that I'm talking to you.

I couldn't help the smile that made its way across my face.

ME: ur so cheesy

PLANET FELINE EYES💕💍: Aw do you not like my cheesiness? :(

I laughed, she's so cute.

ME: no I find your cheesiness really cute 😊

PLANET FELINE EYES💕💍: I find you really cute 😁

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