Chapter 166

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"If I could stay forever, would you still be like this?"

This question had surfaced in Shen Ye's heart more than once, each time stronger than the last. He couldn't control himself this time and finally asked the question. However, just because he asked, does it mean he will get the answer he desires?

Not really.

Because deep down, he understood that all of this might just be Ye Ming's pity, charity. Ye Ming was well aware he wouldn't stay for long – a few days at most. His presence was nothing more than a fleeting moment, unable to change anything.

So, Ye Ming treated him with such tenderness, fulfilling all his wishes and fantasies. There was kindness in Ye Ming's heart, refraining from cruelly hurting someone already sentenced to death. There was no need for that.

With his last bit of tenderness, Ye Ming wanted to give him a beautiful memory.

It wasn't as heartless as it seemed.

Shen Ye involuntarily tightened his grip on Ye Ming's hand. In his pitch-black eyes, there was love and struggle, pain and relief, doubt and unwillingness. He didn't know when he would disappear, so he didn't want to think about things that were destined to be impossible. What he truly wanted to know now was a hypothetical scenario.

Suppose he wasn't just a game, suppose he truly existed in this world. Suppose they were like any other ordinary couple, and he didn't have to leave, could stay forever. Would Ye Ming possibly fall in love with him?

To know this was all Shen Ye desired.

After a long silence, even though Shen Ye had only asked one question, Ye Ming understood his meaning. Understanding, however, meant he couldn't give a hasty decision.

If he agreed too quickly, Shen Ye might think he was consoling him, just giving a perfunctory answer. If he didn't agree, it would seem too heartless and cruel. Ye Ming couldn't afford to be indifferent.

After a moment of hesitation, Ye Ming struggled internally. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly, quickly sorting out his thoughts. He didn't need to hesitate like this. What Shen Ye wanted wasn't consolation or perfunctory answers; he just wanted the truth, even if it might disappoint him.

Ye Ming said, "As long as you're here, I won't leave."

Regardless of who inhabited this body in the future, regardless of what might happen, he wouldn't leave. This time, he wanted to stick to his choice, see what kind of result it would yield.

Upon hearing this answer, Shen Ye sighed lightly after a while. "I understand. Thank you."

With this answer, even if he died in the next second, it wouldn't matter.

For a long time, the kitchen was exceptionally quiet. The only sound was the boiling soup, and a misty vapor filled the air. The tempting aroma wafted through, but neither of them moved. They stood there, one person embracing the other, creating a quiet and blissful scene like a frozen painting.

After who knows how long, Ye Ming sniffed and suddenly waved his arm, smiling. "I'm hungry. Let's eat."

This sentence broke the tranquility of the moment. It seemed as if everything that just happened was just an illusion. The dialogue never occurred. The two returned to their casual interaction, like an old married couple.

The kitchen became lively again.

Shen Ye helped Ye Ming stir-fry the dishes, and Ye Ming tasted the soup. Not entirely sure, he scooped a spoonful, blew on it, and affectionately fed it to Shen Ye, asking, "How is it? Is it bland?"

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