Super Hero-Id

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"A near-death experience can change a man, Duncan." In that moment, all three of them looked over at me for confirmation. "Uh. . . ? Oh, right-! Um, yes. Yes, it can." I nervously responded, laughing with an undertone of awkwardness. "See? Once you've lost everything, there's nothing left to lose. Except. . ." Justin continued. "The million dollars." All three of them finished off, and I was the only one that didn't say anything.

"Well, I'd actually like to have a good night's rest for tomorrow's challenge, and that will require you three to stop talking." I commented, before turning over in my bed so that I was facing the wall. "Okay, whatever you'd like, Prince McLean." Duncan joked, although I didn't find it funny. So, naturally, I threw a spare pillow directly into his face.


"I seriously can't. . . just. . . what?" I spoke, trying to process whatever the hell the interns were trying to do with Chef. They were, like, tying him up while he was wearing a dress. "It's for the hero flick. D.I.D, remember?" One of the interns answered me, raising a hand so that his palm was visible.

(D.I.D, in this case, stands for Damsel In Distress)

"No, I get that, but. . . just. . . like, why?" I still didn't see the point of making CHEF the damsel in distress. Aren't kids, like, also big contenders for victims in hero movies? Like, I know this isn't a hero movie, but in Rush Hour, wasn't the kid, like, the main victim?

. . . Wait, would I have to wear a dress?

Hm. . . yeah, I'll just leave Chef to do it.

"Whatever. I'm waiting down, en la calle. See ya." I walked to the exit of the building's roof, and instantly began heading down the stairs so I could get on ground level. For some reason, I don't exactly remember this building being so. . . run-down. I mean, the buzzing of the lights was pretty loud, and the floor wasn't exactly what I would call 'well-kept'.

. . . Oh, I'm totally gonna get jumped, like, right now.

"Lewiiiiiss. . . !"

Yup. I'm pretty much fucked.

I stopped walking, and turned my head to wherever that weird voice came from. There was literally nothing in the building but me. I think. But just as I started to walk again, that same voice said that same thing. "Lewis. . . !" I furrowed my brows, already annoyed by the whole thing.

"Listen, Chris, if you're trying to freak me out, it's not working. It's just getting annoying." I spoke aloud, hoping to get rid of whatever he was trying to pull. But, the moment I turned my head in the opposite direction, well, uh. . .

Some creepy girl was standing there. "Aw, I knew you'd say that!" It shocked me, to say the least. I. . . did get scared, in full honesty. Not to the point of stumbling over, but enough to make me flinch. "Jesus-! What the hell?! Do you KNOW what 'making your presence known' means?!" I raised my voice at this weird girl, and she didn't seem fazed by my sudden anger at all. "Lewi-kins! You're so adorable when you're angry! You look like a cute little baby bear!" She commented, which only got me more frustrated. 

"S-Shut up! Who the hell are you, and why the hell were you creeping up on me like that?!" She didn't get insulted, or upset, or anything. It's like she wasn't even listening. . . "See, I knew this might happen, what with all these injuries you keep having! I keep texting Chris to keep a close eye on you, but I've had to buy, like, three new phones, because he keeps blocking my number!" My face, I could only describe, scrunched up in some form of discomfort.

"So, that's why. . . I've combined all the photos we've took together into a journal! That way, you'll never forget me again!" She forcibly shoved a notebook into my hands, and when I gazed down at it. . . it was a complete and utter mess. I furrowed my brows as I looked up at her, in absolute disbelief that this was happening right now. "Who even are you!?" I asked again, only to get the same answer. "You'll remember! Just look through the journal in your spare time!" 

Total Drama Action (Lewis McLean)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt