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"V! PLEASE! WE NEED YOU!" A male voice was heard screaming, begging in desperation.

"NOOO! V!"

That was the last thing you heard before everything went black as the elevator dropped down at the speed of light.

"-/N? Wake up!" That same male voice shouted.

Grasping your head tightly, you let out a moan as your system sprang to life, and you saw a man who appeared to be a robot clutching onto you.
"N?" You called out to him as he gasped and looked at you with a worried expression. He gave a small, warm smile, relieved that you were alright. You smiled back but grunted when your visor glitched into a warning symbol and went back to normal as if it never even happened. Your system shut down abruptly, so that would be a hassle, but that's not what you're worried about right now.

"I'm glad you're okay. I thought I'd lose you too," 'N' mumbled, followed by a sigh of relief. You patted him on the head gently as you sat up from his arms and decided to take a look at your surroundings.

The sun was up, but thankfully, you and N were under the shade of a tree (you're not dumb; you know all about the earth, humans, and stuff in it after reading countless books); otherwise, you'd be dead. You noticed a lot of... Humans!?
You gasped and stood up abruptly, giving N a shock as he followed suit and stood up after you.

"Why are there humans here? What happened?!" you quietly shouted at N with a disturbed look on your face.

"Honestly, I don't know. I woke up just before you. All I remembered was that we were with Tessa, Uzi, and V." He trailed off, seemingly sad about the mention of V.

You frowned. But you have to stay strong. If none of you did, it would never take you anywhere, so you have to stay strong for N and yourself.

"The sun's out. We have nowhere to go," you said, distraught. Squinting your eyes in thought. You were glad that humans paid you no mind; you also noticed that some of them have different and unique features. You saw one who looked to be a minotaur; apparently, that's what they're called in a book you once read. You saw another human with a unique feature. You assumed it was a he, and he has wings. Like yours, but instead of blades, they were feathers.

"Are they even humans?" N said, and you silently agreed with him. This was not how you remembered humans to look. Well, most of them are the humans you remembered to look like, but some are just... Different. "Also, 'A'. You might want to see this." N has caught your attention as he said that.

He made sure you were looking before slowly walking out of the shade the tree had been giving you both. You gasped, worried, and were about to pull him away from the sun. You were left shocked. He looks... Fine under the sun. He doesn't look like he was overheating or anything.

"Come on. I think we're safe! For now at least." He chuckled nervously as he whispered the last part. Deciding to trust him, you walked out of the shade and stood next to him.

You gasped as you felt the warmth the sun was giving you. It doesn't hurt, nor does it make you uncomfortable. It was a different feeling, sure, but what matters most is that you don't have to wait until night just to get out of where you once stood.

You looked at N with a confused look as you put your hands on your hips. "How did you even know we'd be fine under the sun?" you asked.

He blushed in embarrassment. "I may or may not have accidentally put my hand under the sun earlier by accident without me noticing?" he stated, more like asking a question.

Before you were about to answer, someone bumped you, which didn't even make you stumble, even just a little bit.

"U-Uhm... Sorry!" Both you and N turned to look at a boy who was surprisingly near your height. You took in his appearance.

The boy has frizzy green hair and green eyes, and he has freckles all over his face. You also noticed how awkward he was standing. Does he have a straight stick for his legs? Goodness, you were thankful that wasn't your case.

"Hello! I'm Serial Designation N, but you can just call me N!" N greeted the boy, which made the boy flinch a bit but eventually smile and beam at us. "This is Serial Designation A! I know she can introduce herself, and I got too carried away, but-ah! Did I say too much?"

You sighed at him, shaking your head with a small chuckle. The freckled boy stood there in shock but quickly recovered as his shy demeanor was back. It took him a moment or two before he decided to speak again. "I'm assuming you two are also headed to UA High to take the exam?" he asked, his shy demeanor seemingly disappearing all of a sudden.

"What ex-" You forced a grin at the boy and covered N's mouth before he could say anything more.

"Yeah, actually we are. We just kind of got lost, so, um, do you mind taking us to where this UA high is?" You trailed off nervously, your visor visibly showing sweat as you kept your strained smile.

"Of course!" He blushed as if he had just realized something. 'Oh God, I just talked with a girl!!! '

"Woah. That was a long walk!" N enthusiastically exclaimed, stretching his robotic joints.

You answered with a quick 'yeah' while looking up at a huge building in amazement. Your shock was then plastered with an annoyed look. You glanced beside you, and the boy in a scrawny uniform was visibly and loudly trembling. He mumbled to himself, but you paid no mind.

"Uhm, you." You pointed a finger at the boy. "You didn't mention your name."

The boy shrieked. Hell, was he trembling at the fact that a girl was beside him and talking to him, or was he trembling because of the upcoming exam?

"I-Izuku Midoriya! M-Ma'am!"

After all that, what was left in your mind was wonders about how this person could help you go back home and hope that it won't be too late for you and your... friends.

You three sat together, staring at both you and N. N paid no mind as he waved with a smile at people who were staring at him and you in wonder, amazement, and something you didn't even want to mention. You were grateful for those who didn't dare look at you, though. If only you could kill them, but you knew it wouldn't benefit you. It would only take your strength, make you hungry for oil, and then overheat and die.

N leaped on his seat and pointed at a man in the stadium, saying, "Y/N! Y/N! Look at that guy over there!"


You covered your mouth, almost letting out a laugh. "He looks funny," you giggled, having N do the same.

Both of you then took a glance at the boy beside you, almost forgetting he was there and only being noticed because of his ramblings.

As you took a look at him, you noticed the guy beside him had the same uniform as the freckled boy. You scanned his face and tried searching for his whereabouts or what his connection was with the freckled boy, but nothing popped up. You groaned internally, feeling frustrated that your system hadn't been working properly yet. 'Eh. There must be someone unimportant.' You shrugged and eventually continued listening to the guy at the stadium who introduced himself as 'Present Mic'.

"As the application says," he started, "you'll participate in a 10-minute mock battle in the city!"

N continued jumping up and down on his seat, with a big and excited smile plastered on his face. "I'm so excited!" He quietly squealed, which you found adorable. You squinched his cheeks, and as a result, he whined and eventually smiled at you.

"Bring anything," he continued, cutting your and N's staring sessions. "After this, head to your assigned practice center." On the big screen, letters from A to G were presented.

You stared at the paper in front of you that was given to you when you entered your and N's names on the what-chuma-call-it.

Silence engulfed the whole place. "OKAY!" The hero shouted, but everyone remained silent, only staring at the paper in their hand.

You hummed as you were already done looking at your paper; you then looked at N's paper. "So they're not letting us work together, huh?" N said in a sad tone.

Oh, robo-Jesus, no. You are not taking that reaction, especially from N. In a fast motion, you extended your right hand to grab the person's paper in front of you, which, coincidentally, has the same letter as N's. As quickly as you snatched their paper, you replaced yours exactly in their hands.

"Huh, what?" They stared at their paper, confused.

'That's right,' you thought proudly to yourself, 'Now N and I are placed at the same practice center! ' You then poked your partner in the back and showed him your paper. He looked at you for a second with a confused look, but then glanced at the paper on your hand.

He smiled, wider than what he used to wear ever since you came here. He looked at you with admiration on his face, which went unnoticed by you. He felt as if he had everything in the world whenever he was with you; he felt at ease even after being worried as hell about Tessa, Uzi, and V back at Copper-9.

As the present mic in front spoke again, you paid attention. "At each practice center," a city that looks like an emoji was shown on the screen. "There are three types of virtual villains."

You saw three silhouettes that were marked as 1p, 2p, and 3p. 'I'm guessing those are the points we're supposed to get? ' you thought to yourself.

"For each of them," Present Mic continued, "you earn points depending on their level."
You hummed, your eyes still focused on the front.

"Use your quirk to defeat the villains and earn points." The screen then showed little Present Mic defeating 1 point, 2 points, and finally 3 points. "And of course, don't hurt others or do anything anti-hero!" He warned.

"What are quirks?" I quietly asked N, to which he answered. "We'll have to find out eventually to... temporarily fit in with these 'humans'," he whispered, and I nodded in response.

"I have a question."

You looked to your upper right and saw a tall guy with glasses standing while raising his hand.

"Okay!" Present Mic pointed at him as a light dramatically shone down at the boy. "On this printout," he pointed at the paper in his hands, showing the same silhouettes of the points, but another one was in it. You let out a confused noise. You didn't notice that; maybe you just didn't care about checking it.

"There are four villain types," he exclaimed. "If it's a misprint, it'll be a great shame on Japan's best school."

"Japan! I figured out why they were all speaking a different language than what we were programmed to use." N chuckled.

"So we are on earth. Could it be that after years of being at Copper-9 and killing worker drones for their oil, humans have evolved into something like this?" You thoughtfully said, "But Tessa has not mentioned anything about Earth other than that it has gotten worse with all the pollution and toxic air going on. What she said was the complete opposite of what we're seeing right now." You continued, putting a hand on your chin as if you were thinking.

"Could it be that Tessa lied to us?" N asked with a worried tone. As you two continued your hushed conversation, trying not to let anyone hear what you two had been talking about, the tall guy with glasses continued his conversation with Present Mic.

"We examinees are here because we want to be taught." He placed a right fist on his chest and then pumped his left first up as he continued, "By exemplary heroes."

"You frizzy-haired boy,"

Midoriya pointed at himself nervously after suddenly having all the attention on him, including yours and N's.

"Your endless murmuring is disrupting! If you're here just for fun, leave now." He continued, "Same as with your two robot seatmates over there! If you're going to be noisy and disturb everyone with your endless chatting, then we suggest you take your leave, you excuse of a being!"

That hit a nerve. You abruptly stood up, contemplating whether you should summon your sharp claws or straight up shoot a missile at the guy as you were ready to jump at him. Had N not stopped you, you would have savagely sliced off the man's head like a worthless worker drone.

"Easy, Y/N. It's alright," N said, calming you while hugging you close. You sighed out of frustration and sat down with N.

Midoriya could only cover his mouth, embarrassed. N reached over to him and patted his shoulder, calming him.

"I'm sorry," the green head muttered, lowering his head in complete embarrassment. People around you laughed, and you were glad that they didn't try to bug you with how you reacted earlier. N felt kind of bad for Izuku, though, and you couldn't care less.

"Okay, okay." Present Mic hushed everyone. "Examine number 7111," he said. "Thanks for the nice message."

You scoffed, rolling your eyes. 'Yeah, nice.'

"The fourth one is zero points," he continued. You were wrong after all; the last one is unimportant. You rolled your eyes again as you tuned him out.

N poked your face, causing you to look at him. His visor changed into words, saying, "Are you feeling okay?"
You smiled softly and nodded. His screen then shows an emoticon.


"It's just a gimmick." The screen showed the little present mic again; his points shown were 6 as he was walking through buildings. "That's causing a ruckus throughout each center. You can destroy it, but there will be no point." Little Present Mic ran away from the 0-pointer.

"To the listeners," he said, looking at all of you with a wide grin.

"I advise you to avoid these guys."

"W-Woah," N mused. "I didn't expect this to be bigger than what we saw earlier with Present Mic." We stood amongst the people with them now wearing different clothes.

'UA is amazing...' You thought with a focused gaze.

'Ah, right. We only have 10 minutes, like Present Mic said earlier.' You sighed, feeling hungry all of a sudden. 'I'm hungry... At this point, I'm sure I'll overheat. Maybe N and I could drink out the oil from these so-called villains.' You smiled brightly, whispering your idea to N, which he agreed to do, having been hungry himself for a couple of minutes now.

"Okay, start!"

You all looked at where the sound was coming from. "What's wrong?" He continued, "Life doesn't have countdowns! Run, run!"

"There's no going back!" After he said that, you and N summoned your blade wings, your visors showing an X as your mouths showed your teeth, and flew up at high speed before the humans could even move.

Immediately, you saw a two-pointer robot. 'Bingo! ' Quite big, one would surely leave you full already. Flying just above its head, you changed your hand into one of a saw, and without hesitation, you sliced half of its body. Oil spilled everywhere, and you drank as much as you could. However, luckily for N, a 3-pointer appeared. He laughed, and without a thought, he shot a missile at the robot.

You two continued to hunt; this sure was more fun than what you used to do back at Copper-9. More oil to feed you and N. Surely this oil will last you a couple of days before you go hungry again.

Up above, people stared at the monitors directed at all the possible future students of UA. But one caught all their attention. One screen, in particular, showed you and N mercilessly killing off their robots and drinking their oil.

They placed the camera pointed at you on a bigger screen to better observe what you and N were doing.

It disturbed them to the core, but they were also amazed at how well you two worked together and at how fast you two moved. It was as if this was a normal thing for you to do.

They looked at another big screen that had all the examinee's names and gasped at both scores compared to the other students.

Total Points:

Serial Designation A: 80
Serial Designation N: 80
Katsuki ....

"At this point, I'd consider that cannibalism," a female said, breaking the tense silence around their room.

A scrawny guy was then seen. He had a look... but the others couldn't identify what it was. He doesn't look worried, nor does he look disturbed. He was only staring, staring at how you continuously drank their robot villain's oil, slicing them to pieces, throwing missiles, lasers, blades, and more...

"We have to get them to our sides," he quietly said, now sounding off, causing the others to look at him. Even Present Mic was worried about his tone but continued to talk through the mic to announce and encourage everyone.


You and N looked down below you and stared up when you were suddenly shaded by someone or something. You were face-to-face with a huge robot. Your eyes went back to normal and widened as you glanced at N.

Both of you stared for a moment and then nodded at each other. Immediately, your screens went back to an X symbol as drools were seen from your mouths.

Both of you dove down from the air, and using all your installed weapons, you both worked together to cut the gigantic robot. It took only 30 seconds for you and N, but for the people behind the monitors, they felt like the torture lasted forever.

The scrawny guy from earlier looked away and onto another screen, where his proud student was.

"I wonder..." A rat-looking animal the size of a child started. "Are you afraid, Almight?"

After being torn to shreds, pieces of the bot fell, hurting a lot of people. You didn't care, but when you looked at N's shocked and panicked face as he dove down to help, you knew you had to do something.

Sweating, you contemplated what you should do. 'I don't want to use it! Especially not in front of N! '

"Help! Please!" someone sobbed. You couldn't take it anymore.

You raised your left hand, and a symbol suddenly appeared over it as your left eye held the same symbol. Slowly but surely, you lifted everything that was potentially hurting the humans as N continued to help them stand up. He knew he couldn't use his saliva because, after all, they are humans. He just hoped that someone would heal them for their own sake.

As if someone read his mind, an old lady came slowly walking to everyone, giving each person candy and a kiss that magically healed and fixed their broken and tattered bodies.

You went down, retracted your wings, and stood next to N, watching the old lady do what she had to do.

Suddenly, N hugged you. You blushed, shocked at his sudden affection. You hugged him back just as tight. Slowly, he let go but kept his arm over your shoulder as you smiled at each other.

Hello everyone! This is the Author, you may call me Stelle/Stella

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Hello everyone! This is the Author, you may call me Stelle/Stella. My pronouns is She/Her.

I apologize for all of the grammar, and spelling mistakes I've made. English is not my first language, sadly.

That's all I can say. I hope you enjoy my book. I plan on finishing this and publish another Murder Drones x reader book that I made(still unpublished).

Murder Drones deserves more love and I need to be fed mor N x Reader books!!!

Again, if you haven't read the bio(which I need you to do),

This is a Murder drone and BNHA/MHA crossover.

N x Fem!Reader implied.
All rights reserved.

Featuring Murder Drones N x Reader x BNHA/MHA

Murder Drones belongs to Liam Vickers and Glitch Productions. My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi. Y/N belongs to me and you. Book cover belongs to me :)

Please consider giving a star and commenting on my book! I would really appreciate it as it motivates me to update regularly.

Total words: 3540 words

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